ifconfig | grep broadcast
arp -a
sudo raspi-config
- Under the Interface menu
sudo shutdown now
Symlink the .bash_aliases file to your home folder, like wise:
cd ~ && sudo ln -s /home/pi/dev/.bash_aliases .bash_aliases
And then invoke the functions from.bashrc
or other profile file.pi_welcome
Using influx to store raspberry pi basic metrics. Those metrics get into the DB by the 'tools/system_monitoring_to_influx.py' service.
systemctl start system-monitoring.service
systemctl start external-temperature-monitoring.service
systemctl stop system-monitoring.service
systemctl stop external-temperature-monitoring.service
- Status
systemctl status system-monitoring.service
systemctl status external-temperature-monitoring.service
- Log
journalctl -u system-monitoring.service
journalctl -u external-temperature-monitoring.service
Create a symlink in /etc/systemd/system
that points to the dev folder's service files. Like so:
cd /etc/systemd/system && sudo ln -s /home/pi/dev/tools/external-temperature-monitoring.service external-temperature-monitoring.service
- You should see:
system-monitoring.service -> /home/pi/dev/tools/system-monitoring.service
Install dependencies: pip install influxdb
pip install psutil
- Install https://github.com/simonmonk/pi_analog
$ git clone https://github.com/simonmonk/pi_analog.git
cd pi_analog
sudo python3 setup.py install
And then start it
systemctl start system-monitoring.service
Eventually, enable it so it will be started after system has bootedsystemctl enable system-monitoring.service
Using analoge termometer which means we need specific wiring: https://magpi.raspberrypi.org/articles/how-to-use-raspberry-pi-temperature-and-light-sensors
Which needs a python lib: https://github.com/simonmonk/pi_analog
sudo raspi-config