Test script is included in the package tests.everwise.regression (src/test/java)
All Page object corresponding to the test scenario can be found in the package ui.pages inside (src/main/java)
Operating System: MAC
Install Java 8
Install maven latest version
Chrome 66
Firefox 59
Go the project main directory containing pom.xml (build file for maven, containing the dependencies):
Execute the following commands for chrome and firefox to run from terminal (Assuming paths have been correctly set)
mvn install -DsuiteXml=everwise_regression.xml -Dtestng.groups=regression -Peverwise_chrome
mvn install -DsuiteXml=everwise_regression.xml -Dtestng.groups=regression -Peverwise_firefox
-Report is available in the target folder with the file name TestReport.html
-Screenshots are included in the TestReport.html. (They are accessed from the Test-Screenshots folder)
-Video of the test case execution is generated (Assuming the Browser is visible on the desktop window, Video is present in
the Videos folder)
-Test-Screenshots and Videos folders are auto created if not present