A tool to help you writing binary exploits
ropc v2.0
Help you to make binary exploits.
Usage: ropc <cmd> [OPTIONS]
Commands :
gadget Search gadgets
search Search on binary
help Print help
version Print version
Try "ropc help <cmd>" for more informations about a command.
Usage : ropc gadget [OPTIONS] [FILENAME]
--arch, -A Select an architecture (in raw mode only)
--all, -a Print all gadgets
--bad, -B [b] Specify bad chars in address
--depth, -d [d] Specify the depth for gadget searching (default is 5)
--flavor, -f [f] Select a flavor (att or intel)
--help, -h Print this help message
--no-color, -n Don't colorize output
--raw, -r Open file in raw mode (don't considere any file format)
Usage : ropc search [OPTIONS] [FILENAME]
--all-string, -a [n] Search all printable strings of at least [n] caracteres. (default is 6)
--byte, -b [b] Search the byte [b] in binary
--bad, -B [b] Specify bad chars in address
--dword, -d [d] Search the dword [d] in binary
--help, -h Print this help message
--no-color, -n Don't colorize output
--qword, -q [q] Search the qword [q] in binary
--raw, -r Open file in raw mode (don't considere any file format)
--split-string, -s [s] Search a string "splited" in memory (which is not contiguous in memory)
--string, -S [s] Search a string (a byte sequence) in binary
--word, -w [w] Search the word [w] in binary
- String searching, Gadget searching
- Colored output
- Intel and AT&T flavor
- Support of ELF and PE binary format
- Support of big and little endian
- Support of x86 and x86_64 architecture
Basic gadget searching
- ropc g ./program
Display all gadgets with AT&T syntax
- ropc g ./program -f att -a
Search in RAW file (not supported format)
- ropc g ./program -r
Search a "splitted" string in the binary
- ropc s ./program -s "/bin/sh"
Search all strings in binary
- ropc s ./program -a
ropc gadget /bin/ls
ropc search /bin/ls -a
ropc search /bin/ls -s "/bin/sh\x00"
ropc search /bin/ls -w 0x90
tosh -at- t0x0sh dot org