I'm a Colombian 20 years old undergraduate student at the University of Medellin in the career of Systems Engineering. 😊
I'm a software developer, with very good logic programming always wishing for learning, highly capable self-study and good communicative ability.
const aboutMe = {
pronouns: "he" | "him",
code: ["Javascript", "Typescript", "HTML", "CSS", "Python", "Java", "CSharp"],
technologies: {
frontEnd: {
js: ["React"],
css: ["Bootstrap", "Material Design"]
databases: ["MongoDB", "mySQL", "SQLServer", "Postgresql", "MySQL", "Sqlite"],
mobile: ["Android"],
RPA: ["UiPath"]
currentOccupation: ["Full-Time student"],
challenge: "I'm working to be a full-stack developer",
° 😎 Ability to analyze and create layout diagrams databases
° 🧠 Excellent at solving both technical and logical ☕
° 📝 Good management and adaptability to SCRUM methodologies
° 😏 Excellent adaptation to new knowledge
⭐️ From JuanDLCH