Simple jQuery plugin to show visual feedback when loading data or any action that would take time
Full documentation and examples here
Quick start
Basic use:
$( "selector" ).isLoading();
$( "selector" ).isLoading( "hide" );
Add a text in the loader and change the location
$( "selector" ).isLoading({ text: "Loading", position: "inside" });
Add a text in the loader and disable some extra elements
$( "selector" ).isLoading({
text: "Loading",
disableOthers: [
$( "#load-in-div .btn" )
Use overlay:
$.isLoading({ text: "Loading" });
Use overlay on element:
$( "selector" ).isLoading({
text: "Loading",
position: "overlay"
Default options:
defaults = {
'position': "right", // right | inside | overlay
'text': "", // Text to display next to the loader
'class': "icon-refresh", // loader CSS class
'tpl': '<span class="isloading-wrapper %wrapper%">%text%<i class="%class% icon-spin"></i></span>',
'disableSource': true, // true | false
'disableOthers': []