A sliding sheet from the bottom of the screen that uses UIKit to present true modal view, but the whole animation and UI is driven by the SwiftUI.
YapDB is a collection/key/value store with a plugin architecture. It's built atop sqlite, for Swift & objective-c developers.
A toolkit for SQLite databases, with a focus on application development
🚀 GRDB ORM, generate Codable structs with maximum performance
A Cocoa / Objective-C wrapper around SQLite
Korean Community Add-ons for HA Supervised(Hassio)
Advanced List View for SwiftUI with pagination & different states
Meta-programming for Swift, stop writing boilerplate code.
A framework bringing additional nodes & filters to Stencil dedicated to Swift code generation
Swift image slideshow with circular scrolling, timer and full screen viewer
✳️ SwiftUI Pull to Refresh (for iOS 13 and iOS 14) condensed into a single modifier.
Workaround to hide/modify List separators in SwiftUI iOS13 and iOS14
Floating Label TextField for SwiftUI. FloatingLabelTextFieldSwiftUI
A library for building applications in a consistent and understandable way, with composition, testing, and ergonomics in mind.
🌉 A Bridge for Sending Messages between Swift and JavaScript in WKWebViews.
👩🎨 Elegant Attributed String composition in Swift sauce
A wrapper for Combine, inspired by ReactorKit
A protocol which should help structure your data flow in SwiftUI (and UIKit).
A SwiftUI Partial Sheet fully customizable with dynamic height
Command Line Interface that convert CSV file to iOS, Android or JSON localizable strings
Integrate iCloud into iOS document projects with one-line code methods. Sync, upload, manage, and remove documents from iCloud quickly and easily. Helps to make iCloud "just work" for developers too.
Example of Modern Domain Driven modularisation of iOS apps
ScrollViewProxy for SwiftUI on iOS 13 and up
Create walkthroughs and guided tours (coach marks) in a simple way, with Swift.