Dozer lets you hide status bar icons to give your Mac a cleaner look.
You might also like FiScript which lets you execute custom scripts on your files/folders from the context menu in Finder.
Easiest way Homebrew Cask:
brew cask install dozer
- Download, open, and drag the app to the Applications folder.
- Open Dozer and drag the icon in your menu bar (hold CMD) to the right so it is between some other icons.
N.B. hold ⌘
+ drag to move the status bar icons.
- Move the icons you want to hide on the left of both Dozer icons.
- Left-click one of the Dozer icons to hide/show the status bar icons.
- Right-click one of the Dozer icons to open the settings.
Checkout this GIF to watch Dozer in action.
macOS 10.13+