This script generates and runs SimulationCraft profiles for World of Warcraft character optimization.
- Automatically generates profiles based on talent combinations
- Filters talent combinations based on user input
- Supports custom fight durations and target counts
- Generates an HTML output with simulation results
- Python 3.6+
- SimulationCraft executable
files for your character/specconfig.ini
file for configuration
python <path_to_config_file>
The script now uses a configuration file (config.ini) instead of command-line arguments. Here's an example of the config.ini structure:
simc = /path/to/simc/executable
folder = /path/to/simc/files
single_sim = false
timestamp = true
targets = 1
time = 300
targettime = 1,300 5,60
hero_talents = all
hero_talents_exclude =
class_talents = all
class_talents_exclude =
spec_talents = all
spec_talents_exclude =
[General] Section
- simc: Path to the SimulationCraft executable
- folder: Path to the folder containing character.simc and profile_templates.simc
- single_sim: Set to true to run a single simulation with the talent string from character.simc
- timestamp: Set to true to include a timestamp in the output filename
[Simulations] Section
- targets: Default number of targets for the simulation
- time: Default fight duration in seconds
- targettime: List of target and time combinations for multiple simulations (overrides targets and time if specified)
[TalentFilters] Section
- hero_talents: Hero talents to include (default: all)
- hero_talents_exclude: Hero talents to exclude
- class_talents: Class talents to include (default: all)
- class_talents_exclude: Class talents to exclude
- spec_talents: Spec talents to include (default: all)
- spec_talents_exclude: Spec talents to exclude
Run all talent combinations:
hero_talents = all
class_talents = all
spec_talents = all
Run specific talent combinations:
hero_talents = spb dgb
class_talents = fot
spec_talents = fb
Run multiple simulations with different target and time combinations:
targettime = 1,300 6,60 10,60
hero_talents = aldrachi
class_talents = hunt
spec_talents = nospb dgb
The script generates an HTML file with simulation results in the current directory. The filename includes the simulation parameters and optionally a timestamp.
To use this script for a different spec:
- Replace the contents of the folder containing character.simc and profile_templates.simc with files for your desired spec.
- Update the profile_templates.simc file with the appropriate talent options for your spec.
- Ensure the talent names in the config.ini file match those in your profile_templates.simc file.
No changes to the Python script itself are necessary unless your spec requires unique handling of certain parameters.
- The script assumes a specific structure for the profile_templates.simc file. Ensure your file follows the expected format with sections for Hero, Class, and Spec talents (denoted by the comment # symbols).
- Talent filtering is case-insensitive and requires all specified terms to be present in a talent name.
- The script creates a temporary .simc file for the simulation, which is deleted after execution.