swapforth Public
Forked from jamesbowman/swapforthSwapforth is a cross-platform ANS Forth
picolisp Public
Very fast and tiny 64-bit Lisp interpreter: object-oriented, dynamic and functional. Comes with a database, prolog-engine, coroutines, namespaces and native function calls. This github is used to b…
Awesome-Hacking Public
Forked from Hack-with-Github/Awesome-HackingA collection of various awesome lists for hackers, pentesters and security researchers
MeC64 Public
Forked from tltx/MeC64MeC64 is a mechanical replacement keyboard for the Commodore 64 (bread bin model).
tapdancer Public
Forked from undefinedopcode/tapdancerVirtual datasette app for loading data onto old 8-bit computers.
atreus Public
Forked from ckhroulev/atreus42-key column-staggered keyboard design
roy Public
Forked from puffnfresh/roySmall functional language that compiles to JavaScript.