jobs uses mage a magefile.go to run "jobs" both locally and within a container.
We support a more flexible container, dev.Dockerfile, and smaller and more secure container, Dockerfile.
Finally, we use GitHub Actions Workflows to build and push our container image to GitHub Packages Container Registry.
Mage targets prefixed with docker:*
are designed to help our
local "inner loop" during development and testing.
Common use cases include:
- Running the resulting container image on a serverless platform (e.g. Azure Container Apps), on Kubernetes, or a VM.
- Cloning and running mage directly, or pre-compiling a binary, to run on remote compute such as a VM.
See docs/ for for more documentation, or run mage
to see currently available mage targets as follows:
$ mage
azure:containerRegistry outputs ACCESS_TOKEN and LOGIN_SERVER environment variables for AZURE_CONTAINER_REGISTRY_NAME
azure:keyVault connects to AZURE_KEY_VAULT_URL and lists the secrets
azure:postgres outputs the environment variables to connect to the Postgres database in the provided <resource group>
azure:serviceBus connects to AZURE_SERVICEBUS_HOSTNAME and peeks 5 messages in AZURE_SERVICEBUS_HOSTNAME
azure:storage connects to AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME and lists the blogs in AZURE_STORAGE_CONTAINER_NAME
deploy:containerApps deploys the Container App(s) via containerapp.bicep into the provided <resource group> Requires: AZURE_SERVICEBUS_CONNECTION_STRING
deploy:empty empties the <resource group> via empty.bicep
deploy:group creates the <resource group> in <location>
deploy:rbac deploys Role Based Access Control using rbac.bicep with the principalID of the currently signed in user
deploy:storage deploys 5 "Storage" services via main.bicep into the provided <resource group>.
deploy:storageAndPostgres deploys Storage and Azure Database for Postgres
docker:build builds the container image, "jobs", with --no-cache and Dockerfile which builds a static binary and multi-stage builds to utilize a distroless image
docker:buildDev builds the container image, "jobs", with --no-cache and dev.Dockerfile which uses the golang:latest image, installs mage and vim, for more interactive development
docker:run runs the jobs container with the mage target
email:getResult gets the result of <id> from Azure Communication Services
email:sendOne sends one test email to <to> via Azure Communications Services
messages:queue creates messages in the queue that are ready to send using the Queuer and Sender defined by the MESSAGES_TYPE environment variable with options "test" (default), "smtp", or "azure"
messages:send iterates over messages that have been inserted and sends them using the Queuer and Sender defined by the MESSAGES_TYPE environment variable with options "test" (default), "smtp", or "azure"
serviceBus:receive receives and completes a batch of 5 messages from the service bus queue with a 1 second delay between each message.
serviceBus:receiveAll receives and completes all messages from the Service Bus queue, in batches of 5, and exits when complete
serviceBus:send sends a single message to the service bus queue
serviceBus:sendMessageBatch sends a batch of 10 messages to the service bus queue with a 1 second delay between each message
test:goodbye is an alternative mage target we can call
test:hello is our default mage target which we also call by default within our Docker container