Helper utilities for OpenFOAM blockMeshDict generation.
The aim of ofblocmeshdicthekper is to provide name-based access to the elements of blockDictMesh file, such as vertex, block, face, etc.
From PyPI simply,
pip install ofblockmeshdicthelper
For python>=3.10 install the library from the latest commits (see #11)
pip install 'ofblockmeshdicthelper @ git+'
Here is an example which generate wedged model shown at
""" example of ofblockmeshdicthelper
try to generate wedged pype object shown at
from __future__ import unicode_literals, print_function
import math
from ofblockmeshdicthelper import BlockMeshDict, Vertex, SimpleGrading
wedgedegree = 5.0
# geometries
radius_x = 0.19
length_z = 1.1
# prepare ofblockmeshdicthelper.BlockMeshDict instance to
# gather vertices, blocks, faces and boundaries.
bmd = BlockMeshDict()
# set metrics
# base vertices which are rotated +- 2.5 degrees
basevs = [
Vertex(0, 0, 0, 'v0'),
Vertex(radius_x, 0, 0, 'v1'),
Vertex(radius_x, 0, length_z, 'v2'),
Vertex(0, 0, length_z, 'v3')]
# rotate wedgedegree/2 around z axis
# rotated vertices are named with '-y' or '+y' suffix.
# these verteces are added to BlockMeshDict instence to be referred
# by following blocks and faces...
cosd = math.cos(math.radians(wedgedegree/2.0))
sind = math.sin(math.radians(wedgedegree/2.0))
for v in basevs:
bmd.add_vertex(v.x*cosd, -v.x*sind, v.z,'-y')
bmd.add_vertex(v.x*cosd, v.x*sind, v.z,'+y')
# v0+y and v3+y have same coordinate as v0-y and v3-y, respectively.
bmd.reduce_vertex('v0-y', 'v0+y')
bmd.reduce_vertex('v3-y', 'v3+y')
# utility to to generate vertex names
def vnamegen(x0z0, x1z0, x1z1, x0z1):
return (x0z0+'-y', x1z0+'-y', x1z0+'+y', x0z0+'+y',
x0z1+'-y', x1z1+'-y', x1z1+'+y', x0z1+'+y')
# Noted that 'v0+y' and 'v3+y' are still valid.
# you may define simplegrading and multigrading (for OF>=2.4) optionally.
b0 = bmd.add_hexblock(vnamegen('v0', 'v1', 'v2', 'v3'),
(19, 1, 300),
((0.2, 0.3, 4),
(0.6, 0.4, 1),
(0.2, 0.3, 1.0/4.0)),
# face element of block can be generated by Block.face method
bmd.add_boundary('wedge', 'front', [b0.face('s')])
bmd.add_boundary('wedge', 'back', [b0.face('n')])
bmd.add_boundary('wall', 'tankWall', [b0.face('e')])
bmd.add_boundary('patch', 'inlet', [b0.face('b')])
bmd.add_boundary('patch', 'outlet', [b0.face('t')])
bmd.add_boundary('empty', 'axis', [b0.face('w')])
# prepare for output
# output