Quick trial a.k.a practice to learn the power of Zenoh :D
The demonstration of this repository has been presented at FA_Study (connpass | SpeakerDeck)
- Ubuntu 22.04 (base image)
- Zenoh v0.10.1-rc
- Rust 1.75.0
- Python 3.10.12
- Erlang/OTP 26.1.1
- Elixir 1.15.7-otp-26
- Mosquitto version 2.0.11
- CycloneDDS 0.10.4
Pre-built Docker image has been published on Docker Hub
cd <git_cloned_dir>
docker run -it --rm -v `pwd`:/zenoh_trial -w /zenoh_trial takasehideki/zenoh_trial
Currently, the operation in the pre-built Docker image is mainly confirmed on my M1 Mac (arm64) machine. However, we heard reports of it working on x64 (amd64) machines as well. If you have any problems (especially on x64 (amd64) machines), please feel free to let me know via Issues.
Please enjoy the coffee break because building the image may take too long time :-
cd <git_cloned_dir>
docker build -t zenoh_trial .
docker run -it --rm -v `pwd`:/zenoh_trial -w /zenoh_trial zenoh_trial
The following operation has been confirmed on my M1Mac. Note that the source build of Elixir failed for another target (for amd64 on M1Mac, or arm64 on x64/Ubuntu machine).
docker buildx create --name mybuilder
docker buildx use mybuilder
docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64 -t takasehideki/zenoh_trial . --push
Zenoh nodes (natively) implemented in Rust.
The Source code is referred to https://docs.rs/zenoh/0.10.1-rc/zenoh/#examples
- Build
cd zenoh_native
cargo build
If the first build fails in Docker env, just try it again ;(
- Run
Zenoh nodes implemented in Python.
The Source code is referred to https://zenoh.io/docs/getting-started/first-app/
- Run
cd zenoh_python
python3 pub.py
cd zenoh_python
python3 sub.py
Zenoh nodes implemented in Elixir :-
- Build
cd zenoh_elixir
mix deps.get
mix compile
- Run
iex -S mix
iex()> ZenohElixir.Pub.main
iex -S mix
iex()> ZenohElixir.Sub.main
Communicating with each other from inside and outside of containers is not easy in the default Docker environment. However, this can be established surprisingly quickly with the power of the Zenoh router:D
To run this demo, the host must also have Zenoh (zenohd) installed (how to install it).
Also, please confirm the IPv4 address (<host_ip>
) of the host, e.g., ifconfig en0
- 1st terminal on the host:
python3 zenoh_python/pub.py
- 2nd terminal on the container:
docker run -it --rm -v `pwd`:/zenoh_trial -w /zenoh_trial takasehideki/zenoh_trial
cd zenoh_elixir
iex -S mix
iex()> ZenohElixir.Sub.main
- 3rd terminal on the host:
- 4th terminal on the container:
docker run -it --rm -v `pwd`:/zenoh_trial -w /zenoh_trial takasehideki/zenoh_trial
zenohd -e tcp/<host_ip>:7447
To confirm the marriage of Zenoh and MQTT, try the following operations!
- 1st terminal (bridge):
docker run -it --rm -v `pwd`:/zenoh_trial -w /zenoh_trial --name zenoh_bridge takasehideki/zenoh_trial
- 2nd terminal (MQTT subscriber):
docker exec -it zenoh_bridge /bin/bash
mosquitto_sub -d -t key/expression
- 3rd terminal (Zenoh publisher):
docker exec -it zenoh_bridge /bin/bash
cd zenoh_elixir
iex -S mix
iex()> ZenohElixir.Pub.main
Sure thing! Zenoh can also chat with DDS (along with MQTT).
To confirm the marriage of Zenoh and DDS, try the following operations! It would be more awesome to operate with the previous section!!
- 4th terminal (bridge):
docker exec -it zenoh_bridge /bin/bash
- 5th terminal (Zenoh subscriber):
docker exec -it zenoh_bridge /bin/bash
python3 zenoh_python/sub.py
- 6th terminal (DDS publisher):
docker exec -it zenoh_bridge /bin/bash
python3 zenoh_dds/pub.py
- 1st terminal (broker):
docker run -it --rm -v `pwd`:/zenoh_trial -w /zenoh_trial --name zenoh_mqtt takasehideki/zenoh_trial
mosquitto -c zenoh_mqtt/mqtt_standalone.conf
- 2nd terminal (subscriber):
docker exec -it zenoh_mqtt /bin/bash
mosquitto_sub -d -t key/expression
- 3rd terminal (publisher):
docker exec -it zenoh_mqtt /bin/bash
mosquitto_pub -d -t key/expression -m "Hello from MQTT!!"