The project entails the creation of an artificial intelligence application, designed to empower the marketing department in gauging the emotional responses of individuals engrossed in their advertisements. This innovative system is engineered to deduce the emotional states from facial expressions captured during the viewer's interaction with the ad. The application's core functionality is to classify the observed emotional states into seven distinct categories: anger, disgust, fear, joy, neutral, sadness, and surprise, employing the sophisticated capabilities of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) by capturing the video frames of the human faces and classifying them uing the trained model.
To compile from the source:
- Anaconda Python 3.9 for the specific platform is required and can be found here: For a windows machine. Packages of Linux and Mac can also be found on the Anaconda Python website.
After downloading Anaconda Python.
- Clone the repository:
git clone
cd realTime7
- Make your virtualenv
virtualenv env
- Activate the virtualenv On Windows
On MacOS and Linux
source env/Scripts/activate
Install cv2
pip install opencv-python
Install keras
pip3 install keras
Run the app
python .\haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml