A package for working with UUID values in Laravel.
You can use the package to generate and validate version 1, 3, 4 and 5 UUID identifiers.
To install, simply type the following at your bash prompt:
composer require takeawaytown/laravel-uuid
The package automatically registers the Service Provider and Alias in Laravel 5.5 and above. If using Laravel <= 5.4, then you must manually add them.
For the Service Provider, add the following to your app config file:
For the Alias, add the following to your app config:
'UUID' => TakeawayTown\LaravelUuid\Classes\Uuid::class,
The most basic generator usage is:
This will generate a UUID object, which will be 'Version 1' and will use a random MAC address.
You can also generate a UUID string using type-hinting or using a method. Either of the following is exactly the same:
(string) Uuid::generate();