ROS driver for Belcon Mini III series DMH conveyor of Okura Yusoki.
- A PC compatible with the ROS version
cd catkin_ws/src && git clone --depth 1 && sudo apt install byobu && cd .. && catkin build
- Execute a control server on a Windows computer (refer to conveyor_modbus)
python src/ --command_from external --ip
- Start a command server on the Ubuntu computer
rosrun conveyor _/conveyor/ip:=
rosservice call /conveyor/set_command "<refer to below>"
- nl: normal rotation with low speed
- nm: normal rotation with middle speed
- nh: normal rotation with high speed
- rl: reverse rotation with low speed
- rm: reverse rotation with middle speed
- rh: reverse rotation with high speed
- nXX (rYY): drive with a set of rotation and speed [Hz/100] values
- stop: stop the motion
- complete: finish the program
This software is released under the MIT License, see LICENSE.