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[doc][deployment] add installation doc for validator deployment
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sherry-x authored and bors-libra committed Dec 20, 2021
1 parent 0d5ccf9 commit dd07efa
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271 changes: 271 additions & 0 deletions terraform/validator/
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Diem Single Validator Network Deployment

These instructions are for deploying a Diem blockchain network with one single validator node from scratch, this would be good for training new operators.

Deployment Package

The deployment package is in this directory. Clone the repo and checkout the branch corresponding to the version you want to deploy:

$ git clone
$ cd diem/terraform/validator
$ git checkout <version>

The release branch is usually named as `release-xx`, you can checkout to the latest one (e.g. `release-1.4`)

Once you have the correct validator directory version follow the instructions below.

Working with Diem Source Code
If you haven't yet, it's highly recommended that you finish the "My first transaction" training:

The training will guide you through the steps to setup environment and build Rust code, which we will use to build our operational tools.

Terraform with Vault

1. Install pre-requisites if needed:

* Terraform 1.0:
* Vault:
* Docker:

2. Create a directory for your configuration:

* Choose a workspace name e.g. testnet. Note: this defines terraform workspace name, which in turn is used to form resource names. If you are using a shared account please use a unique value here, e.g. `youralias-testnet`

$ export WORKSPACE=testnet

* Create a directory for the workspace

$ mkdir -p ~/$WORKSPACE

3. Change into the appropriate directory for your cloud provider,
make sure you setup credentials to access the cloud:
* [aws][]: Amazon Web Services
* [azure][]: Microsoft Azure
* [gcp][]: Google Cloud Platform

$ cd validator/<aws|azure|gcp>

4. Create a storage bucket for the Terraform state:
* AWS: S3 bucket
* GCP: Cloud Storage bucket
* Azure: Blob storage container

5. Copy `backend.tfvars` to `~/$WORKSPACE/backend.tfvars` and edit to fill in your storage bucket details. For more detail on remote state see the Terraform documentation:

$ cp backend.tfvars ~/$WORKSPACE/backend.tfvars
$ vi ~/$WORKSPACE/backend.tfvars

6. Initialise Terraform, providing your backend storage configuration:

$ terraform init -backend-config ~/$WORKSPACE/backend.tfvars

7. Create a new Terraform workspace to isolate your environments:

* Check the existing workspace, make sure the workspace name is not taken:

$ terraform workspace list

* Create the new workspace:

$ terraform workspace new $WORKSPACE

8. Copy `terraform.tfvars` to `~/$WORKSPACE/validator.tfvars` and edit to set your validator name, SSH public key:

$ cp terraform.tfvars ~/$WORKSPACE/validator.tfvars
$ vi ~/$WORKSPACE/validator.tfvars

9. Apply the configuration, enabling the bastion host, which you will use later to access your vault. This will also create a `kubernetes.json` file with information about the Kubernetes cluster.

$ terraform apply -var-file ~/$WORKSPACE/validator.tfvars -var bastion_enable=1

10. Configure your Kubernetes client:
* aws:

$ aws eks update-kubeconfig --name diem-$WORKSPACE

* azure:

$ az aks get-credentials --resource-group diem-$WORKSPACE --name diem-$WORKSPACE

* gcp:

$ gcloud container clusters get-credentials diem-$WORKSPACE --zone us-central1-a --project diem

11. Find the private IP of one of the `vault` instances, and the public IP of the `bastion` instance.
* aws:

$ terraform state show 'aws_instance.bastion[0]' | grep public_dns
$ aws ec2 describe-instances --filters "Name=tag:Name,Values=diem-$WORKSPACE/vault" --query "Reservations[*].Instances[*].PrivateDnsName" --output=text

* gcp:

$ terraform state show 'google_compute_instance.bastion[0]' | grep nat_ip
$ gcloud --project <gcp project> compute instances list

* azure:

$ terraform state show 'azurerm_linux_virtual_machine.bastion[0]' | grep public_ip
$ az vmss nic list-vm-nics -g diem-$WORKSPACE --vmss-name diem-$WORKSPACE-vault --instance-id 1 | grep privateIp

* alternatively, cut-n-past this:

public_ip=$(terraform state show 'azurerm_linux_virtual_machine.bastion[0]' | egrep 'public_ip_address\W' | awk -F'"' '{print $2}')
echo public_ip=$public_ip
private_ip=$(az vmss nic list -g diem-$WORKSPACE --vmss-name diem-$WORKSPACE-vault --query '[].ipConfigurations[].privateIpAddress' --output tsv)
echo private_ip=$private_ip

12. SSH to the vault host via the bastion host, setting up a tunnel to connect to the Vault API.

* **Keep this running in another window.**
* `~/.ssh/ec2_rsa` is the private key you created in step 8.
* For Azure replace "ec2-user" with "az-user"
* for GCP replace with the username you configured in `ssh_keys`.

$ ssh -o ProxyCommand="ssh -i ~/.ssh/ec2_rsa ec2-user@<bastion public_dns> proxy %h %p" -L 8200:localhost:8200 -i ~/.ssh/ec2_rsa ec2-user@<vault private_dns>

13. Initialise Vault **from the vault host**.

[ec2-user@vault ~]$ VAULT_CACERT=/etc/vault/ vault operator init

14. Switch back to your local host, save the Initial Root Token in a file, you'll need it to manage Vault:

$ vi ~/$WORKSPACE/vault.token

15. Change to the [vault-init][] directory:

$ cd ../vault-init

16. Copy `` to `` and edit to uncomment the appropriate backend for your cloud provider.

$ cp
$ vi

17. Copy `backend.tfvars` to `~/$WORKSPACE/backend-vault.tfvars` and edit to fill in your storage bucket details.

$ cp backend.tfvars ~/$WORKSPACE/backend-vault.tfvars
$ vi ~/$WORKSPACE/backend-vault.tfvars

18. Initialise Terraform, providing your backend storage configuration:

$ terraform init -backend-config ~/$WORKSPACE/backend-vault.tfvars

19. Specify your Vault server information (replace "aws" with "gcp" or "azure" as necessary):

$ export VAULT_ADDR=https://localhost:8200
$ export VAULT_CACERT=$PWD/../<aws|azure|gcp>/$
$ export VAULT_TOKEN=<vault root token>

Check your `VAULT_CACERT` env (`echo $VAULT_CERT`), make sure it's the full path to the vault CA certificate file.
`<vault root token>` is the token you generated in step 13.

20. Rename `` to ``, this will add `diem-root` key and `treasury_compliance` key in your vault for this test.

$ cp

21. Apply the configuration, providing your Kubernetes cluster information:

$ terraform apply -var-file ../<aws|azure|gcp>/$WORKSPACE-kubernetes.json

22. Verify you have access to the vault:

$ vault kv list transit/keys

You should be able to see a list of keys, e.g. `diem__root`, `diem__operator`

23. Change into your configuration directory:


24. Set the operator name:

$ export OPERATOR=<your_name>

25. Collect the endpoints of the `-validator-lb` and `-fullnode-lb` services:

* If using the included DNS setup:

$ cd ~/diem/terraform/validator/<aws|azure|gcp>
$ export VALIDATOR_ADDRESS="$(terraform output validator_endpoint)"
$ export FULLNODE_ADDRESS="$(terraform output fullnode_endpoint)"
$ cd -

* Otherwise on AWS:

$ export VALIDATOR_ADDRESS="$(kubectl get svc ${WORKSPACE}-diem-validator-validator-lb -o go-template='/dns4/{{(index .status.loadBalancer.ingress 0).hostname}}/tcp/{{(index .spec.ports 0).port}}')"
$ export FULLNODE_ADDRESS="$(kubectl get svc ${WORKSPACE}-diem-validator-fullnode-lb -o go-template='/dns4/{{(index .status.loadBalancer.ingress 0).hostname}}/tcp/{{(index .spec.ports 0).port}}')"

* Otherwise on GCP and Azure:

$ export VALIDATOR_ADDRESS="$(kubectl get svc ${WORKSPACE}-diem-validator-validator-lb -o go-template='/ip4/{{(index .status.loadBalancer.ingress 0).ip}}/tcp/{{(index .spec.ports 0).port}}')"
$ export FULLNODE_ADDRESS="$(kubectl get svc ${WORKSPACE}-diem-validator-fullnode-lb -o go-template='/ip4/{{(index .status.loadBalancer.ingress 0).ip}}/tcp/{{(index .spec.ports 0).port}}')"

26. Build the Diem genesis tool binary:

$ git clone
$ cd diem
$ git checkout <version>
$ cargo build -p diem-genesis-tool
$ cargo run -p diem-genesis-tool -- help

Follow [My first transaction][] to setup the environment for building Rust code.

27. Use the genesis script to generate keys, create waypoints, and compile the genesis blob for your blockchain:

$ export GENESIS=~/diem/target/debug/diem-genesis-tool
$ export BACKEND="backend=vault;server=https://localhost:8200;ca_certificate=<full path to $>;token=vault.token;namespace=diem"

28. Insert the genesis blob into the Kubernetes configmap for the chain era (defined in [helm/values.yaml][]):

$ kubectl create configmap $WORKSPACE-diem-validator-genesis-e<chain_era_number> --from-file=genesis.blob=genesis.blob

change `<chain_era_number>` with current chain era number defined in [helm/values.yaml][].

29. Check that your pods are now running (this may take a few minutes):

$ kubectl get pods

30. To access the monitoring dashboard run the following:

$ kubectl port-forward $WORKSPACE-diem-validator-monitoring-0 3000

And then load http://localhost:3000/d/validator

Destroy existing deployment

1. Make sure you select the terraform workspace you want to destroy:

$ cd ~/diem/terraform/validator/<cloud>
$ export WORKSPACE=testnet
$ terraform workspace select $WORKSPACE

2. Enable destroying of protected resources in this deployment.

$ sed -i 's/prevent_destroy = true/prevent_destroy = false/'

3. Destroy the deployment

$ terraform destroy -var-file ~/$WORKSPACE/validator.tfvars

4. Restore the code protecting resources.

$ sed -i 's/prevent_destroy = false/prevent_destroy = true/'

[aws]: aws/
[gcp]: gcp/
[azure]: azure/
[vault-init]: vault-init/
[helm/values.yaml]: helm/values.yaml
[My first transaction]:
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Diem Validator Deployment

This directory provides terraforms to deploy a Diem Validator node. The cloud-specific Terraform configs will
create a Kubernetes cluster from scratch and then install the Kubernetes configs. They also deploy Hashicorp
Vault outside of Kubernetes for storing validator keys and sensitive data.

* If you are deploying a brand new validator please see [][].

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