Tall Thom Enterprises
- @tallthom
Ansible playbook and Docker compose file for running Ollama on a Raspberry Pi with Multicast
Brave browser for Android, iOS, Linux, macOS, Windows.
A docker environment for moodle developers
Scalable load balancer for BigBlueButton.
The communications platform that puts data protection first.
ADMIN field type for the Database activity in Moodle >= 2.3
CONSTANT field type for the Database activity in Moodle >= 2.3
ACTION field type for the Database activity in Moodle >= 2.3
REPORT field type for the Database activity in Moodle >= 2.3
TEMPLATE field type for the Database activity in Moodle >= 2.3
Moodle Development Kit. A collection of tools meant to make developers' lives easier.
MoodleのForumモジュールの新しいインターフェイスの提案です。Moodle 3.6用です。