Run the dotnet server using F5
see launch.json for setting hosturls = need to http://locahost:5080, so localhost launches and accessible from other ips
start client app using port 4205
from cmd prompt ....Songs.Web\ClientApp>npm start
which is configure to run ng serve like this: ng serve --port 4205
from the browser go to http://localhost:5080
to edit text files in vscode create a link to them:
mklink /J files C:\Users\Todd\Documents\music\songs
mklink /J files C:\Users\Todd\OneDrive\Todd\music\songs
Running the server in prod mode
see songs.ps1 for build
To run from commandline Songs.Web.Exe --hosturls ""
build the client
to edit the service name is songs:
nssm edit songs
make sure console box is unchecked on process tab!!!!!!
root = published app
path = root\Songs.Web.exe
startdir = root
arguments= --hosturls
logs redirected to c:\tmp\log\songs.out|err.log