Initial Breakdown:
- Write a function to get all interesting device information. (Get a UUID would be a tricky one)
- In an EditText, we can input the url in it. The input url could be an encoded URL. (copy and paste into it). Do a data validation and Decode the URL.
- For the decoded url, it might have key-value pairs in its parameters. Extract those pairs into two parts: URL Base and Pairs string.
- Then combine Pairs String with device information.
- Store combined data into a database.
- The data model should have three columns: Generated primary key, URL BASE, and All the pairs.
- Display those data per URL as a RecyclerView item. (subscribe on the room DB)(Give at two different UI for the item)
- For the RecyclerView item put a button in it. Click the button to post the whole data model as raw JSON to the server.
- Using retrofit to do the post request.
- Put a hidden view (Or Fragment) in the item layout, and then set it visible to display the response from the post.