This is the repository for final project of CSCI-UA480 Large Scale Web Application. The application has a music upload/download service with QR code generation & identification, and a backend ranking job activated on a daily bases and communicated via RPC. The application can be accessed here.
- It is recommanded to create a new branch for a specific development task. And then merge the branch with the master. However for convenience, it is ok to push to master directly since there is a backup branch.
- It is recommanded to run local test on Linux machine. Follow the README.txt to setup the environment and tools
- Django Application: [email protected]
- Relational Database: tangdb.cyocc9onn55j.us-west-2.rds.amazonaws.com
- Background Computation and RPC Server: [email protected]
- Hadoop Service: ec2-35-161-227-165.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com
$ sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install mysql-server libmysqlclient-dev python-dev python-virtualenv (Set a mysql root password)
$ ./first_install.sh
- $ cd db
- $ ./install_db.sh (Will ask for the mysql root password configured above).
- $ cd ..
- $ source ./env/bin/activate
- $ cd lswa
- $ python manage.py makemigrations musician
- $ python manage.py migrate
- Go to backend
- $ ./ini.sh
Run the server:
- $ source ./env/bin/activate
- $ cd lswa
- $ python manage.py runserver
Access the site at http://localhost:8000/musician