This is a Gradle project, and can be built via the provided gradlew
or by using Android Studio.
- Open the project in the IDE.
- From the "Welcome to Android Studio" menu, select "Open an existing Android Studio project" option, or
- If you already have an opened project, select "File > Open..."
- If you want to test Google sign in, add the required metadata:
Go to
Type in "Zulip" as "App name" and "" as "Android package name".)
Put the generated file in the "app/" directory of the project.
Google app id. You will also get it from the above given link. This id should be written as the following string resource in
:<string name="google_app_id">GOOGLE_APP_ID</string>
If you have a device running Android go to the settings and enable USB debugging in developer options. Then plug your device in the computer and select "Run > Run...". You will be shown "Device chooser" window. Select your device in the given list and press "OK".
If you do not have an Android device you will have to run it on an emulator. Here are instructions for creating an Android virtual device (AVD):
This distribution includes cryptographic software. The country in which you currently reside may have restrictions on the import, possession, use, and/or re-export to another country, of encryption software. BEFORE using any encryption software, please check your country's laws, regulations and policies concerning the import, possession, or use, and re-export of encryption software, to see if this is permitted. See for more information.
The U.S. Government Department of Commerce, Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS), has classified this software as Export Commodity Control Number (ECCN) 5D002.C.1, which includes information security software using or performing cryptographic functions with asymmetric algorithms. The form and manner of this distribution makes it eligible for export under the License Exception ENC Technology Software Unrestricted (TSU) exception (see the BIS Export Administration Regulations, Section 740.13) for both object code and source code.
Copyright 2012-2016 Dropbox, Inc.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.