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Reinforced Self-Attention Network (ReSAN)

  • The repository is the experimental codes for Title
  • All codes is implemented with Python under Deep Learning framework Tensorflow.
  • The leaderboard of Stanford Natural Language Inference is available here.
  • Please contact author or open an issue for questions and suggestions.

News: A time- and memory-efficient self-attention mechanism named as Fast-DiSA has been proposed, which is as fast as multi-head self-attention but uses the multi-dim and positional masks techniques. The codes are released at here



  • Python3 (verified on 3.5.2, Anaconda3 4.2.0)
  • tensorflow>=1.2

Other Python Packages

  • tqdm
  • nltk (please download Models/punkt)

Contents of this Repository

  1. Standalone codes for Reinforced Sequence Sampling (RSS), Reinforced Self-Attention (ReSA) and Reinforced Self-Attention Network (ReSAN), which are detailed in the paper. --- dir: resan
  2. Projects codes for the experiments on the Stanford Natural Language Inference (SNLI) Dataset. --- dir: SNLI_rl_pub
  3. Projects codes for the experiments on the Sentences Involving Compositional Knowledge (SICK) Dataset. --- dir: SICK_rl_pub

For the first one, we will give APIs to introduce how to use it at the rest of this file. For others, please enter corresponding directory for further instructions.


Reinforced Sequence Sampling (RSS)

from resan.rl_nn import generate_mask_with_rl
  • param rep_tensor: [tf Float 3D Tensor] The rank must be 3, i.e., [batch_size, seq_len, feature_dim];
  • param rep_mask: [tf Bool 2D Tensor] The mask for input with rank 2: [batch_size, seq_len];
  • param is_mat: [Python Bool]sampling a sequence(False) or a matrix(True), Keep False
  • param scope: [str] The name of Tensorflow variable scope;
  • param keep_prob: [float] dropout keep probability;
  • param is_train: [tf Bool Scalar] the indicator of training or test;
  • param wd: [float >= 0] if wd>0, add related tensor to tf collectoion "weight_decay" for further l2 decay;
  • param activation: [str] in (relu|elu|slu);
  • param disable_rl: [Python Bool] disable the rl by forcing all probabilities to 1 if True;
  • param global_step: [Python int] global training step, if it is less than start_only_rl, all probabilities is forced to set to 1;
  • param mode: [str] indicating current status of projects in training, test, etc. phrase. If the mode is not 'train', the reinforcement learning will be forced to open regardless of other parameters;
  • param start_only_rl: [Python int] the global step to start training hard network;
  • param hn: Hidden units number
  • logpa [TF float matrix] with shape (batch_size, seq_len) to indicate logarithmic selection probabilities;
  • actions [TF bool matrix] with shape (batch_size, seq_len) to indicate the selection or not by sampling
  • percentage: [TF float vector] with shape (batch_size) to indicate the selection percentage for sampling sparsity.

Reinforced Self-Attention (ReSA)

from resan.resa import reinforced_self_attention
  • param rep_tensor: [tf Float 3D Tensor] The rank must be 3, i.e., [batch_size, seq_len, feature_dim];
  • param rep_mask: [tf Bool 2D Tensor] The mask for input with rank 2: [batch_size, seq_len];
  • param dep_selection: [tf Bool 2D Tensor] with shape (batch_size, seq_len), dependent selections from generate_mask_with_rl, i.e., RSS for dependent;
  • param head_selection: [tf Bool 2D Tensor] with shape (batch_size, seq_len), head selections from generate_mask_with_rl, i.e., RSS for head;
  • param hn: hidden units number
  • param keep_unselected: [Python bool] whether keep the unselected head, which introduced in the paper as the variant;
  • param scope: [str] The name of Tensorflow variable scope;
  • param keep_prob: [float] dropout keep probability;
  • param is_train: [tf Bool Scalar] the indicator of training or test;
  • param wd: [float >= 0] if wd>0, add related tensor to tf collectoion "weight_decay" for further l2 decay;
  • param *activation: [str] in (relu|elu|slu);

a tensorflow tensor with shape (batch_size, seq_len, 2*hn) to denotes the context-aware representations for all tokens.

Reinforced Self-Attention Network (ReSAN)

from resan.resan import reinforced_self_attention_network

same as reinforced_self_attention introduced above


a tensorflow matrix with shape (batch_size, 2*hn) to denotes the all sequence/sentence encodings

Programming Framework for SNLI or SICK

We first demonstrate the file directory tree of all these projects:

--pretrained_model [d]

Note: The result dir will appear after the first running.

We elaborate on the every files[f] and directory[d] as follows:

./ perform the parameters parsing and definitions and declarations of global variables, e.g., parameter definition/default value, name(of train/dev/test_data, model, processed_data, ckpt etc.) definitions, directories(of data, result, $model_specific_dir$ etc.) definitions and corresponding paths generation.

./$task$ this is the main entry python script to run the project;

./$task$ this provides a function to analyze the log file of training process.

./dataset/: this is the directory including datasets for current project.

  • ./dataset/glove: including pre-trained glove file
  • ./dataset/$task_dataset_name$/: This is the dataset dir for current task, we will concretely introduce this in each project dir.

./pretrained_model/: this is the directory including the default pretrained supervised learning network checkpoints for corresponding base name.

./src: dir including python scripts

  • ./src/ a class to process raw data from dataset, including data tokenization, token dictionary generation, data digitization, neural network data generation. In addition, there are also some method: generate_batch_sample_iter for random mini-batch iteration, get_statistic for sentence length statistics and a interface for deleting samples with long sentence in training data.
  • ./src/ a class for model evaluation.
  • ./src/ a class for handling graph: session initialization, summary saving, model restore etc.
  • ./src/ a class to save top-n dev accuracy model checkpoint for future loading.
  • ./src/model/: the dir including tensorflow model file
  • ./src/model/ a abstract python class, including network placeholders, global tensorflow tensor variables, TF loss function, TF accuracy function, EMA for learnable variables and summary, training operation, feed dict generation and training step function.
  • ./src/model/$model_name$.py: Main TF neural network model, implement the abstract interface build_network, extending from
  • ./src/nn_utils/: a package include various tensorflow layers implemented by this repo author.
  • ./src/utils/ file I/O functions.
  • ./src/utils/ natural language processing functions.
  • ./src/utils/ a log recorder class, and a corresponding instance for all use in current project.
  • ./src/utils/ time counter class to collect the training time, note this time exclude the process to prepare data but only the time spending in training step.

./result/: a dir to place the results.

  • ./result/processed_data/: a dir to place Dataset instance with pickle format. The file name is generated by get_params_str in ./ according to the related parameters.
  • ./result/model/$model_specific_dir$/: the name of this dir is generated by get_params_str in ./ according to the related parameters, to save the result for a combination of the parameters. In other words, we associate a dir for a combination of the parameters.
  • ./result/model/$model_specific_dir$/ckpt/: a dir to save top-n model checkpoints.
  • ./result/model/$model_specific_dir$/log_files/: a dir to save log file.
  • ./result/model/$model_specific_dir$/summary/: a dir to save tensorboard summary and tensorflow graph meta files.
  • ./result/model/$model_specific_dir$/answer/: a dir to save extra prediction result for a part of these projects.

Parameters in

  • --network_type: [str] use "exp_context_fusion" for reproduce our experiments
  • --log_period: [int] step period to save the summary
  • --eval_period: [int] step period to evaluate the model on dev dataset;
  • --gpu: [int] GPU index to run the codes;
  • --gpu_mem: [None or float] if None, it allow soft memory placement, or fixed proportion of the total memory;
  • --save_model: [Bool] whether save the top-3 eval chechpoints;
  • --mode: [str] all projects have "train" model to train model, only some projects have "test" model for test, please refer the main script of every project;
  • --load_model: [Bool] if has "test" mode, set this to True to load checkpoint for test by specify the path-to-ckpt in --load_path;
  • --model_dir_suffix: [str] a name for the model dir (the model dir is a part of programming framework which will be introduced latter);
  • --num_steps: [int] the training step for mini-batch SGD;
  • --train_batch_size: [int] training batch size
  • --test_batch_size: [int] dev and test batch size. Note that in squad, use --test_batch_size_gain instead of it: test_batch_size = test_batch_size_gain * train_batch_size;
  • --word_embedding_length: [int] word embedding length to load glove pretrained models, which could be 100|200|300 depending on the data provided
  • --glove_corpus: [str] GloVe corpus name, which could be 6B|42B|840B etc.;
  • --dropout: [float] dropout keep probability;
  • --wd: L2 regularization decay factor;
  • --hidden_units_num: hidden units num. Note that we fix the hidden units num for all context_fusion models on all projects except squad.
  • --optimizer: [str] mini-batch SGD optimizer, could be adam|adadelta|rmsprop;
  • --learning_rate: [float] initial learning rate for optimizer;
  • --base_name: mode base name
  • --pretrained_path: if --load_model is set to True, this indicates the pre-trained model path. If this value is None, the path will be set to ./pretrained_model/$base_name$.ckpt;
  • --start_only_rl: the step to start only reinforcement learning with stable env provided;
  • --end_only_rl: the step to end only reinforcement learning and start training RL and SL simultaneously;
  • --rl_sparsity: reinforcement sparsity parameter and we found 0.02~0.04 is good for SNLI dataset.
  • --rl_strategy: [sep|sim] sep means that the hard network and other network are trained separately, and sim means the two networks are trained simultaneously.
  • --step_for_rl: when --rl_strategy is set to sep, the training step for hard network every time.
  • --step_for_sl: when --rl_strategy is set to sep, the training step for other network every time.

Note that due to too many codes this repo includes, it is inevitable that there are some wrong when I organize the projects into this repo. If you confront some bugs or errors when running the codes, please feel free to report them by opening a issues. I will reply it ASAP.



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