A Firebase REST API on a local in-memory database.
With Flame you can use the Firebase REST API on a local in-memory database. This is useful when you for example want to run tests locally.
npm install @leonardvandriel/flame
const flame = require('@leonardvandriel/flame')
// load database
const json = '{ "user": { "abcd": { "name": "John", "age": 85 } } }'
// or read from file: const json = fs.readFileSync('database.json', 'utf8')
// Read user
// Add user
flame.put('/user/efgh', { name: 'Romona Moten', age: 20 })
// Query users
console.log(flame.get('/user/abcd', { orderBy: 'age', limitToLast: 1, startAt: 10 }))
npm test
Flame is licensed under the terms of the BSD 3-Clause License, see the included LICENSE file.
- Leo Vandriel