A class that encapsulates a successful result with a value of type [T] or a failure result with an [Throwable] exception
allprojects {
repositories {
dependencies {
implementation "io.github.taptappub:reaction:$version"
class MainRepository {
fun getData(): Reaction<String> = Reaction.on { "some calculations" }
fun getAnotherData(firstData: String): Reaction<String> = Reaction.on { "some another calculations based on $firstData" }
fun getData() {
viewModelScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) {
.map { "Convert to another string" }
.doOnError { Log.d("LOG", "it is an error") }
success = {
error = {
.let { liveData.postValue(it) }
fun getAnotherData() {
viewModelScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) {
val data = repository.getData()
.check { it.isNotEmpty() }
.flatMap { Reaction.of { "Flatmapped data" } }
.takeOrReturn {
Log.d("LOG", "it is an error again")
success = { liveData.postValue(State.Success(it)) },
error = { Log.d("LOG", "Error too") }
- on - Construct a safe Reaction from statement
Reaction.on { "something" }
- onCondition - Construct a Reaction from condition
Reaction.onCondition { it == "what you want" }
- tryReaction - Construct a safe Reaction from Reaction
Reaction.tryReaction { Reaction.on { "something" } }
- map - Transform the success result by applying a function to it
.map { "Convert to another string" }
- mapReaction - Transform the result with success and error data by applying a function to it
.mapReaction { s, e -> "Convert to another string: $s + $e" }
- flatMap - Transform the success result by applying a function to it to another Reaction
.flatMap { Reaction.of { "Flatmapped data" } }
- errorMap - Transform the error result by applying a function to it
.errorMap { IllegalStateException("something went wrong") }
- recover - Transform the error result by applying a function to it to another Reaction
.recover { "New reaction, much better then old" }
- doOnSuccess - Register an action to take when Reaction is Success
.doOnSuccess { Log.d("Success! Let's dance!") }
- doOnError - Register an action to take when Reaction is Error
.doOnError { Log.d("Error! Let's dance but sadly =(") }
- doOnComplete - Register an action to take when Reaction is nevermind
.doOnComplete { Log.d("Let's dance in any case!") }
- handle - Handle the Reaction result with on success and on error actions
success = { liveData.postValue(it) },
error = { Log.d("LOG", "Error. That's a shame") }
- flatHandle - Handle the Reaction result with one action with success and error
.flatHandle { success, error ->
Log.d("LOG", "Let's combine results ${success.toString() + error.toString()}")
- fold - Handle the Reaction result with on success and on error actions and transform them to the new object
success = { State.Success(it) },
error = { State.Error }
- check - Check the success result by a function
.check { it.isNotEmpty() }
- takeOrReturn - Unwrap and receive the success result data or do a function with return
val data = repository.getData()
.takeOrReturn {
Log.d("LOG", "it is an error again")
- takeOrDefault - Unwrap and receive the success result data or receive the default value in error case
val data = repository.getData()
.takeOrDefault {
"default data"
- takeOrThrow - Unwrap and receive the success result data or throw exception from Error in error case
val data = repository.getData()
- isSuccess - Check is result success
val isSuccess = repository.getData()
- isError - Check is result error
val isError = repository.getData()
- resumeWithReactionSuccess - Coroutine Continuation for success callback
override fun success() {
continuation.resumeWithReactionSuccess { true }
- resumeWithReactionError - Coroutine Continuation for failure callback
override fun failure(error: Throwable?) {
continuation.resumeWithReactionError { error }
Copyright 2021 Aleksey Potapov
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.