Modern and simple PHP task runner inspired by Grunt and Rake aimed to automate common tasks:
- executing daemons (and workers)
- performing cleanups
- watching filesystem changes
- running multiple Symfony / Artisan Commands
- starting PHP server
- running tests
- writing cross-platform scripts
To install globally put robo.phar
in /usr/bin
sudo chmod +x robo.phar && mv robo.phar /usr/bin/robo
Now you can use it just like robo
- Add
"codegyre/robo": "*"
. - Run
composer install
- Use
to execute Robo tasks.
All tasks are defined as public methods in RoboFile.php
. It can be created by running robo
All protected methods in traits that start with task
prefix are tasks and can be configured and executed in your tasks.
The best way to learn Robo by example is to take a look into its own RoboFile or RoboFile of Codeception project
Here are some snippets from them:
Run acceptance test with local server and selenium server started.
class RoboFile extends \Robo\Tasks
function testAcceptance($seleniumPath = '~/selenium-server-standalone-2.39.0.jar')
// launches PHP server on port 8000 for web dir
// server will be executed in background and stopped in the end
// running Selenium server in background
$this->taskExec('java -jar '.$pathToSelenium)
// loading Symfony Command and running with passed argument
$this->taskCommand(new \Codeception\Command\Run('run'))
If you execute robo
you will see this task added to list of available task with name: test:acceptance
To execute it you shoud run robo test:acceptance
. You may change path to selenium server by passing new path as a argument:
robo test:acceptance "C:\Downloads\selenium.jar"
Using watch
task so you can use it for running tests or building assets.
class RoboFile extends \Robo\Tasks {
use \Robo\Task\Watch;
function watchComposer()
// when composer.json changes `composer update` will be executed
$this->taskWatch()->monitor('composer.json', function() {
Cleaning logs and cache
class RoboFile extends \Robo\Tasks
public function clean()
This task cleans app/cache
and app/logs
dirs (ignoring .gitignore and .gitkeep files)
Can be executed by running:
robo clean
Creating Phar archive
function buildPhar()
$files = Finder::create()->ignoreVCS(true)->files()->name('*.php')->in(__DIR__);
$packer = $this->taskPackPhar('robo.phar');
foreach ($files as $file) {
$packer->addFile($file->getRelativePathname(), $file->getRealPath());
Create your own tasks and send them as Pull Requests or create packages prefixed with robo-
on Packagist.
Follow @robo_php for updates.
Created by Michael Bodnarchuk @davert.