theHarvester Public
Forked from laramies/theHarvesterE-mail, subdomain and people names harvester
metasploit-framework Public
Forked from rapid7/metasploit-frameworkMetasploit Framework
apt2 Public
APT2 is a pentest automation framework that can be used to assist pentesters, blue team members, and others in identifying easily exploitable issues and common attack paths.
blackhat-arsenal-tools Public
Forked from toolswatch/blackhat-arsenal-toolsOfficial Black Hat Arsenal Security Tools Repository
Python4Pentesters Public
These are various simple python scripts that can be used to aid pentesters. None of these are overly complex, but should serve as a great starting point for more advanced tools/scripts.
safelogin Public
Simple application/website designed to illustrate how simple it is to set up phishing websites
MailPillage Public
python code to connect to mail servers and pillage the data contained within
A few simple scripts and templates I have used during various phishing engagements.
metagoofil Public
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/metagoofil
beefapi Public
a python module that implements many of the beef restful api calls
Simple website and database used to run the list.exploitsearch.net site.