Geo is a spatial library that is made specfically for geographic data.
Geo - NuGet (.NET 4.0+, Windows 8 Store applications, Windows Phone 7.0+, Silverlight 4 & 5)
Features include:
- Geographic geometry types:
- Point
- LineString
- Polygon, Triangle
- Circle
- GeometryCollection, MultiPoint, MultiLineString, and MultiPolygon
- GPS types:
- GPSData
- Route
- Track
- Serialize and deserialize geometries:
- WKT (Well-known text)
- WKB (Well-known binary)
- Spatial4n/Spatial4j shape strings
- Serialize and deserialize GPS files:
- NMEA (deserialize only)
- IGC (deserialize only)
- Garmin Flightplan (deserialize only)
- SkyDemon flightplan (deserialize only)
- PocketFMS flightplan (deserialize only)
- Geographic calculations
- Distance
- Area
- Greate circle lines
- Rhumb lines
Geo.Raven - NuGet (.NET 4.0+, Silverlight 4 & 5)
Features include:
- Define RavenDB indexes against Geo geometries
- Use Geo geometries in RavenDB spatial queries
- All ordinates are in degress, unless specified otherwise
- All measurements are in S.I. units (metres, seconds, etc.), unless specified otherwise
- The coordinate reference system kis assumed to be WGS-84
- Geo is a Portable Class Library project which requires Portable Library Tools 2 Visual Studio extension to be installed.
Geo is licensed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation.