A Light version of DrawnUI for .Net MAUI ported to Xamarin.Forms.
To remove UI lags in Xamarin projects by replacing native views with drawn controls. At the same time to prepare projects to be more easily ported to MAUI as all UI-related nugets like shadows, cards, gradients etc.. will be replaced with just DrawnUI.
Install the nuget package __AppoMobi.Xamarin.DrawnUi__
into shared/native Xamarin app projects. Then initialize the library:
- iOS - inside your
in theFinishedLaunching
- Android - inside
in theOnCreate
Also in Xamarin for many Canvases around the app it's better to use
Super.CanUseHardwareAcceleration = false; //RIP XAMARIN
For single Canvas
this should not be needed.
This light Xamarin version has some limitations and some controls are missing in comparision to the original MAUI Library. Meanwhile please refer to the original library documentation.
There is also a sample project in this repo with a drawn About page:
Contrary to MAUI version:
Xamarin XAML HotReload is found to be working occasionally. I still struggle to understand why and where it breaks and why it's suddenly working.. Good news in MAUI we do not have this issue, there it breaks for foundable reasons, though should create a ticker for all cases i just personally know why it breaks but we have zero info about it in console, log etc.. :)
For same reasons
is not set when defined in<DataTemplate>
XAML so set it like this:
CommandChildTapped="{Binding CommandOpenFile}"
ItemTemplate="{Binding CreateUploadCell}"
ItemsSource="{Binding Uploads}"
Type="Column" />
public DataTemplate CreateUploadCell => new DataTemplate(() =>
return new CellUpload();
property accepts double
only, setting something like FontSize="Title"
will result in a XFC0000
- Loading resources is different from MAUI version:
property will always read files from shared project, files must be inlcuded with build action asEmbeeded resource
, for exampleSource = "Resources\Lottie\plus.json"
. You can specify an internet url too. -
read files from native projects by default. With "resource://" prefix you can load file from shared project, for exampleSource="resource://Resources.Images.breath.jpg"
. You can of course pass an internet url too.
Uses a modified Glidex.Forms project created by Jonathan Peppers for caching images on Android.
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