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summerblue committed Sep 20, 2019
1 parent 3faebdc commit edef0a5
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Showing 3 changed files with 183 additions and 106 deletions.
24 changes: 24 additions & 0 deletions app/Models/User.php
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -66,4 +66,28 @@ public function markAsRead()

public function setPasswordAttribute($value)
// 如果值的长度等于 60,即认为是已经做过加密的情况
if (strlen($value) != 60) {

// 不等于 60,做密码加密处理
$value = bcrypt($value);

$this->attributes['password'] = $value;

public function setAvatarAttribute($path)
// 如果不是 `http` 子串开头,那就是从后台上传的,需要补全 URL
if ( ! \Str::startsWith($path, 'http')) {

// 拼接完整的 URL
$path = config('app.url') . "/uploads/images/avatars/$path";

$this->attributes['avatar'] = $path;
157 changes: 51 additions & 106 deletions config/administrator.php
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Expand Up @@ -2,138 +2,83 @@

return array(

* Package URI
* @type string
// 后台的 URI 入口
'uri' => 'admin',

* Domain for routing.
* @type string
// 后台专属域名,没有的话可以留空
'domain' => '',

* Page title
* @type string
'title' => config(''),
// 应用名称,在页面标题和左上角站点名称处显示
'title' => env('APP_NAME', 'Laravel'),

* The path to your model config directory
* @type string
// 模型配置信息文件存放目录
'model_config_path' => config_path('administrator'),

* The path to your settings config directory
* @type string
// 配置信息文件存放目录
'settings_config_path' => config_path('administrator/settings'),

* The menu structure of the site. For models, you should either supply the name of a model config file or an array of names of model config
* files. The same applies to settings config files, except you must prepend 'settings.' to the settings config file name. You can also add
* custom pages by prepending a view path with 'page.'. By providing an array of names, you can group certain models or settings pages
* together. Each name needs to either have a config file in your model config path, settings config path with the same name, or a path to a
* fully-qualified Laravel view. So 'users' would require a 'users.php' file in your model config path, '' would require a
* 'site.php' file in your settings config path, and '' would require a 'test.php' or 'test.blade.php' file in a 'foo' directory
* inside your view directory.
* @type array
* array(
* 'E-Commerce' => array('collections', 'products', 'product_images', 'orders'),
* 'homepage_sliders',
* 'users',
* 'roles',
* 'colors',
* 'Settings' => array('', 'settings.ecommerce', ''),
* 'Analytics' => array('E-Commerce' => ''),
* )
'menu' => [],

* The permission option is the highest-level authentication check that lets you define a closure that should return true if the current user
* is allowed to view the admin section. Any "falsey" response will send the user back to the 'login_path' defined below.
* @type closure
* 后台菜单数组,多维数组渲染结果为多级嵌套菜单。
* 数组里的值有三种类型:
* 1. 字符串 —— 子菜单的入口,不可访问;
* 2. 模型配置文件 —— 访问 `model_config_path` 目录下的模型文件,如 `users` 访问的是 `users.php` 模型配置文件;
* 3. 配置信息 —— 必须使用前缀 `settings.`,对应 `settings_config_path` 目录下的文件,如:默认设置下,
* `` 访问的是 `administrator/settings/site.php` 文件
* 4. 页面文件 —— 必须使用前缀 `page.`,如:`` 对应 `administrator/pages/analytics.php`
* 或者是 `administrator/pages/analytics.blade.php` ,两种后缀名皆可
* 示例:
* [
* 'users',
* 'E-Commerce' => ['collections', 'products', 'product_images', 'orders'],
* 'Settings' => ['', 'settings.ecommerce', ''],
* 'Analytics' => ['E-Commerce' => ''],
* ]
'menu' => [
'用户与权限' => [

* 权限控制的回调函数。
* 此回调函数需要返回 true 或 false ,用来检测当前用户是否有权限访问后台。
* `true` 为通过,`false` 会将页面重定向到 `login_path` 选项定义的 URL 中。
'permission' => function () {
return Auth::check();
// 只要是能管理内容的用户,就允许访问后台
return Auth::check() && Auth::user()->can('manage_contents');

* This determines if you will have a dashboard (whose view you provide in the dashboard_view option) or a non-dashboard home
* page (whose menu item you provide in the home_page option)
* @type bool
* 使用布尔值来设定是否使用后台主页面。
* 如值为 `true`,将使用 `dashboard_view` 定义的视图文件渲染页面;
* 如值为 `false`,将使用 `home_page` 定义的菜单条目来作为后台主页。
'use_dashboard' => false,

* If you want to create a dashboard view, provide the view string here.
* @type string
// 设置后台主页视图文件,由 `use_dashboard` 选项决定
'dashboard_view' => '',

* The menu item that should be used as the default landing page of the administrative section
* @type string
'home_page' => '',
// 用来作为后台主页的菜单条目,由 `use_dashboard` 选项决定,菜单指的是 `menu` 选项
'home_page' => 'users',

* The route to which the user will be taken when they click the "back to site" button
* @type string
// 右上角『返回主站』按钮的链接
'back_to_site_path' => '/',

* The login path is the path where Administrator will send the user if they fail a permission check
* @type string
// 当选项 `permission` 权限检测不通过时,会重定向用户到此处设置的路径
'login_path' => 'login',

* The logout path is the path where Administrator will send the user when they click the logout link
* @type string
'logout_path' => false,

* This is the key of the return path that is sent with the redirection to your login_action. Session::get('redirect') will hold the return URL.
* @type string
// 允许在登录成功后使用 Session::get('redirect') 将用户重定向到原本想要访问的后台页面
'login_redirect_key' => 'redirect',

* Global default rows per page
* @type int
// 控制模型数据列表页默认的显示条目
'global_rows_per_page' => 20,

* An array of available locale strings. This determines which locales are available in the languages menu at the top right of the Administrator
* interface.
* @type array
// 可选的语言,如果不为空,将会在页面顶部显示『选择语言』按钮
'locales' => [],

'custom_routes_file' => app_path('Http/routes/administrator.php'),
108 changes: 108 additions & 0 deletions config/administrator/users.php
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@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@

use App\Models\User;

return [
// 页面标题
'title' => '用户',

// 模型单数,用作页面『新建 $single』
'single' => '用户',

// 数据模型,用作数据的 CRUD
'model' => User::class,

// 设置当前页面的访问权限,通过返回布尔值来控制权限。
// 返回 True 即通过权限验证,False 则无权访问并从 Menu 中隐藏
'permission'=> function()
return Auth::user()->can('manage_users');

// 字段负责渲染『数据表格』,由无数的『列』组成,
'columns' => [

// 列的标示,这是一个最小化『列』信息配置的例子,读取的是模型里对应
// 的属性的值,如 $model->id

'avatar' => [
// 数据表格里列的名称,默认会使用『列标识』
'title' => '头像',

// 默认情况下会直接输出数据,你也可以使用 output 选项来定制输出内容
'output' => function ($avatar, $model) {
return empty($avatar) ? 'N/A' : '<img src="'.$avatar.'" width="40">';

// 是否允许排序
'sortable' => false,

'name' => [
'title' => '用户名',
'sortable' => false,
'output' => function ($name, $model) {
return '<a href="/users/'.$model->id.'" target=_blank>'.$name.'</a>';

'email' => [
'title' => '邮箱',

'operation' => [
'title' => '管理',
'sortable' => false,

// 『模型表单』设置项
'edit_fields' => [
'name' => [
'title' => '用户名',
'email' => [
'title' => '邮箱',
'password' => [
'title' => '密码',

// 表单使用 input 类型 password
'type' => 'password',
'avatar' => [
'title' => '用户头像',

// 设置表单条目的类型,默认的 type 是 input
'type' => 'image',

// 图片上传必须设置图片存放路径
'location' => public_path() . '/uploads/images/avatars/',
'roles' => [
'title' => '用户角色',

// 指定数据的类型为关联模型
'type' => 'relationship',

// 关联模型的字段,用来做关联显示
'name_field' => 'name',

// 『数据过滤』设置
'filters' => [
'id' => [

// 过滤表单条目显示名称
'title' => '用户 ID',
'name' => [
'title' => '用户名',
'email' => [
'title' => '邮箱',

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