I've been writing software for 40 years, starting with 6502 assembler, moving into Basic, Pascal, C, Perl and C++. More or less in that order. I jumped into Python at least 15 years ago. Probably more like 20, but I don't recall when I first starting using Python in earnest. It was one of those things which just crept up on me. I've also been building web sites for about 20 years. Yes, that's a long time, and yes, we DID have the web 20 years ago, but boy let me tell you, it was something entirely else in those days.
These days, I like to work with Flask, Jinja, and React, though I prefer to do most of the HTML/CSS/JavaScripty stuff as manually as I can. Still, nothing like a good framework when you can get one.
I have a few projects I'm actively working on (and many more I'm not so active on; I'm sure you feel me here), including:
- DevPail - a tool to isolate my projects' tooling into a Docker container
- cvbump - a tool which combines version bumping and generating a corresponding ChangeLog
- some simple Web-Components
- a python library for accessing the Zoho Finance Suite API
- a framework for building Raspberry Pi appliances
- and a blog, cuz I guess that's cool again.
I'm always looking for my next cool project, whether that be Open Source or a paid consulting/development gig. Send me a note at [email protected]