An app that will ping Heroku sites that will run on Heroku
This app uses rvm to manage the gemset. Edit the .rvmrc file if you need to.
To get it to run:
Run “bundle install”
Set up postgresql
edit config/database.yml
change all instances of “ericm” to your username
rake db:create:all
rake db:migrate
rake db:test:prepare
Also, this uses OmniAuth and Twitter for authenticaion. So you will need to register this as a Twitter app. The key and secret are in the file config/initializers/omniauth.rb, and you will need to save them as environmental variables:
So you will need to set that stuff up before you actually run it.
Right now there are a lot of comments and calls to puts, particularly in the tests. I am trying to see what the tests are doing. It’s great that Ruby and Rails do so much out of the box, but sometimes convenience crosses the line into voodoo.
For example, some of the tests have stuff like this: post :create, {:website => valid_attributes}, valid_session
How do I get the object that symbol represents? At this point, I would still like to query stuff in the tests to figure out what is going on.