Dronekit based application for controlling our UAV
Python 2 program for autonomous UAV flight and data collection to a ground control station. This application connects to a Pixhawk flight controller via a serial connection and leverages the dronekit library for communication between the program and the UAV. It connects to a zeromq server for I2C data collection using a unix socket. It also connects to a radio communication module using a serial connection for wireless transmission to a ground control station.
The entry point for this application is main.py. A high level overview of this script is as follows:
- Sets up logging
- Connects to all devices
- Awaits waypoints from ground control station (detailed in main.py)
- Arms UAV
- Takes off to 10 meters
- Flies to each waypoint
- Transmits temperature, time, location data to ground control station every second
- Returns to home
- Lands