We use HELM in real time for 2 purposes.
- Parameterize our application manifest files to supply image version, number of replicas, etc. at runtime.
- As package manager to install the opensource applications into Kubernetes cluster.
Helm important files are
- Chart.yaml
- templates folder
- values.yaml
This file is to supply metadata for helm. We need to give apiVersion, chartname, chart version, etc through this file. NOTE: Make sure you increase the chartVersion and appVersion every time we do the change.
Here we keep all the required Kubernetes resource YAML files. We can use placeholders inside the files.
This file is used to supply the default values to the placeholders of resources files in templates folder.
Create the above files to convert any Kubernetes manifest into HELM.
To install Helm chart. make sure you are in the directory where Chart.yaml is there
helm install [any-name-you-prefer] .
to list the charts running
helm list
to upgrade
helm upgrade [chart-name] .
to rollback
helm rollback [chart-name] [revision-no]
to list all revision numbers
helm history [chart-name]
to delete
helm delete/uninstall [chart-name]
to supply your own values.yaml
helm install [chart-name] . --values=[path-of-your-values.yaml]
We can use helm as package manager just like yum, apt-get, etc. It can bring the open source charts from internet and install inside kubernetes cluster.
to add open source repos
helm repo add [repo-name] [URL]
to search
helm search repo [name]