pyTenable Public
Forked from tenable/pyTenableTenable API Library for Tenable.io and TenableSC
Python MIT License UpdatedSep 3, 2024 -
vulnfeed_2_tenb Public
A docker container for parsing vulnerability data from Cyber Advisory Feeds into Tenable.sc.
tenb_scan_calendar Public
Create scan calendars from Tenable prodcuts
cisa-kev_2_tsc Public
Support CISA Known Exploitable Vulnerabilities into Tenable.sc with dynamic dates; fork of Vuln2Tenb
nessus_win_cred_test Public
This Powershell script is designed to be run on a supported (by Microsoft) Windows host. It checks for the most common issues that will prevent successful credentialed scans by Nessus.
navi Public archive
Forked from packetchaos/naviA Command-line tool which leverages the Tenable.io API to reduce the time it takes to get information that is common during remediation or a troubleshooting event
Python GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedAug 20, 2020