by Samuel Liew
Bug reports, Forks, and PRs welcome!
These are highly recommended for moderators. Minor changes to the UI/defaults makes your mod life easier by a huge amount (saving clicks, or having to hunt for a particular link/mod feature, or displaying more info upfront). Click these to jump to their descriptions:
- Mod User Quicklinks Everywhere ♦
- User Info Sidebar ♦
- User Review Ban Helper ♦
- Comment Flags Helper ♦
- Not An Answer Flag Queue Helper ♦
- Display Inline Comment Flag History ♦
- Deleted Users Helper ♦
- User History Improvements ♦
- Additional Post Mod Actions ♦
These are highly recommended for everyone because they are too awesome:
Recommended chat userscripts:
Can you see the link in the post below?
- Appends
to short link texts in posts and comments so they can be easily seen and clicked on - Link is also bolded and color set to red
- E.g.: Link
visually becomes._link
- Opens image links in a lightbox instead of new window/tab in main & chat
- Anonymizes user links in posts and comments
- Masks and hides user-identifying info on page (IPs and email addresses)
- Redact button can be found fixed on the bottom-left of the screen
- Removes unnecessary elements from the UI
- See comments in userscript source for more info
(Meta) New search bar on meta sites, and option to search parent site
Saved Searches
Auto Refresh
Instant Filter Toggles
- Dark theme for Stack Exchange.
- Some elements have reduced opacity until focused/mouseover (sidebar modules/images/timestamps). Some important colours are retained.
- Code highlighting in darker colours
- Unlock the max-width of all Stack Exchange sites and utilize your wide screen
- Change your preferred width size in source code
- Responsive print styles for all sites on the network, as well as chat and chat transcripts
- Strips out unnecessary information from the page only when printing, leaving just the main content
- Adds a menu of quick mod-actions instead of having to wait for mod menu to load and having to select items in the mod menu
- The items in the menu are disabled/hidden depending on context, and also slightly different options based on whether it's a Q or A
- Able to quickly dispute or comment lock a post with custom number of days, as well as unlock
- Quickly destroy users (with <200 rep) if they are posting spammy content (post age <30 days) (requires confirmation, 5-second throttle)
- Post dissociation link quickly composes a post dissociation request for post user with link of post inserted into dissociation message template
- (Stack Overflow) assists with re-duping of old questions closed with the old duplicate notice
- (Meta Stack Overflow) one-click closing, deleting questions as off-topic, and posting canned comment
- Rewrites chat room links to chat transcript in Q&A comments, to avoid joining the room directly
This userscript has only been tested on Tampermonkey, and requires additional permissions for cross-site requests to Meta as it's on a different domain. Simply click on "Always allow" when prompted.
- For questions, displays info if it's discussed on Meta
- On arrow mouseover, displays the Meta posts
- Works for posts with IDs >= 100000 only to prevent false positives
- When searching for not locked posts (
), adds button in bottom right to downvote all displayed results
- Display number of recent comments (in the last 30 days) on each post in question lists
- For mod queues, additional info (30-day revision history) is also retrieved
- Detects if post has any revisions after being flagged
- Fetch vote counts for posts and enables you to click to fetch them again, even if you do not have sufficient rep
- Also enables fetch vote counts on posts in mod flag queue
- Experiment to hide all post scores until you have voted for the post
- Does not hide post scores for own posts, as well as locked or deleted posts.
- Dropdown list of migration targets displaying site icon/logo/header images and links to the selected site's on-topic page and mod list. Displays additional information for custom flagger for selected network site.
- Dropdown transformed with Chosen, allowing for text search of site names
- Sticky post headers to help when scrolling long posts / comment threads
- User, revision history, post timeline links
- Clicking on empty middle area scrolls to start of post (replaces URL hash)
- Question Table of Contents of Answers in sidebar below Featured Posts module
- Only shown when there are five or more answers
- Answer score, accepted, user display name, indicates mods and deleted users, datetime
- Sorted by current answer sort order (active/oldest/votes)
- Clicking on answer links scrolls to start of post (replaces URL hash)
- Option to toggle visibility of deleted answers (visible to 10k rep users)
- Inserts post IDs everywhere where there's a post or post link (for copying/easier x-referencing/etc)
- Useful for copying ID of answer, for converting an answer to a comment of the target post
- When double clicked, opens post timeline in new tab
- Inserts several filter options for post timelines, useful for old posts with humongous timelines
- Hides daily summaries by default
- Fixes display style on comment flags expansion (jQuery show/hide defaults to block, breaking table)
- Reverts the new instant stacks tooltips used in the post voting containers into native browser tooltips that appear after a short delay
- Also changes the follow/unfollow stacks tooltip to native tooltips
- Works on user's comment flag history group page
- Works on user's mod comment history pages
- Works on mod comment flag queues
- Allows moderators to undelete comments deleted by any user, including ex-mods and Communnity user
- Unique border colour for each user in comments to make following users in long comment threads easier
- Only appears if user has more than one comment on the page
- Grabs post timelines and display comment flag counts beside post comments. This also permalinks to comment in post timeline
- Displays flags on comment hover
- Clear CommentFlags cache on weekends
- On post timeline page, if comment is found in URL, also expand flags on the comment
- Fixes display style on comment flags expansion (jQuery show/hide defaults to block, breaking table)
Better comments layout for easier readability and moderation.
- Reduce comment body font-size to 96%
- Comment meta-text is on a new line, font-size reduced to 90%
- Usernames in comments are italicized
- Deleted comment info is floated right to keep comments compact instead of taking up a new line
- Delete links are floated right (to make it consistent with Undelete links)
- When mouse is over comments section, show faint preview of all delete links
- Comment hover background
- Redirects user 404 pages to main profile
- Linkify deleted users, show display name on mouseover
- You can now multi-select delete/undelete posts by deleted user
- Improved deleted user page, linkify URLs
- Additional helpful links below for IP & username cross-referencing
- When PII is loaded on user mod page, format the info in a textarea for easier copying into delete/destroy reason so it will look like this
- Improvements for /admin/find-users
- Adds a message menu to userinfo boxes
- Select from usual mod message or CM message templates
- Selected templates are automatically selected on landing on the new message page
- When user posts on Meta Stack Overflow regarding a post ban, fetch and display deleted posts (must be mod) and provide easy way to copy the results into a comment
- Display Windows notification when user page is open and user has new activity (new post, new comment, new edit, etc.)
- Adds user moderation collapsable left-sidebar to user-specific pages: quick links & selection of user details from Mod Dashboard
- On user link mouseover, display user's reputation
- Assists in building suspicious votes CM messages
- Highlight same users across IPxref table (hover to highlight, click to pin highlight)
- Adds new page
- Adds link to above page via mod links page (
) as well as Suggested Edits tabs - has toggle date format (like post timelines) and pagination
- anonymous users are easy to spot because they are unlinked
- click on left arrow toggle to display review summary
- anonymous edits reviews are preloaded so we can detect whether they have spam rejection reasons
- Keyboard shortcuts for review action buttons
- Keyboard shortcuts for popup action dialogs (close, flag, delete, reject edit)
- Auto-focus submit button when option selected in popup action dialogs (e.g.: so you can go "2 > 2 > space" to submit)
- Automatically skips review audits
- Esc goes back a previous dialog pane
- More options available when SOMU Options userscript is installed
- Display users' prior review bans in review (links to review ban history), ban quicklink
- Insert review ban/unban button in user review ban history page
- If ban quicklink is clicked from a review, auto user lookup if user ID passed via hash, auto-fill reason with review URL
- Link ban counts in table to user's review history
- Before/After (screenshot redacted using RedactedScreenshots, and also running CommentFlagsHelper and CommentFlagTypeColours)
- Use new responsive menu
- Batch delete comments using comment permalinks from SEDE, e.g.:
- On post hover in mod flag queue, get and display flaggers stats (via tooltip on flag badge):
Reputation, Total Flags, Declined Flags, % Declined - Badge links to user's flag history (opens in a new window)
- Non-mods: Can view own flag badge on main profile page
- Delete moved comments is checked by default
- Prevent Mod actions in Flag Queue redirecting to post - instead opens in a new tab
- Better UI for recent moderator flag handling history
- Automatically updates every 30 seconds
- If current mod queue is empty, reload page occasionally
- Also puts the flag count back in the navbar in case you miss it or need a link to the empty flag queue for some reason
- Highlight common chatty/rude keywords
- Some style improvements
- Rename "dismiss" link to "decline" with hover warning color
- Add "dismiss + delete" option on hover
- Always expand comments if post is expanded (includes deleted posts), and highlights flagged user comments in expanded posts
- Quick purge all comments link (with confirmation prompt)
- Option to review from the bottom of the page (so page won't jump around after handling each flag)
- Option to hide comments posted within the past day
- Add action button to delete AND insert duplicate comment at the same time, saving you from deleting and then having to open up a new tab to manually insert comment
- Comment left on answer:
Please [don't post identical answers to multiple questions]( Instead, tailor the answer to the question asked. If the questions are exact duplicates of each other, please vote/flag to close instead.
- Duplicate Comment (text)
- Display deleted comments and user who deleted the comments
- UI is similar to commenttoomanydeletedrudenotconstructiveauto queue + Comment Flags Helper
Sort answers first
- Similar to the above, display revision count, post age
- Does not recommend as edits still need to be reviewed manually
- Auto-expand unhandled posts
- Display post info at the bottom
- Inserts quicklinks to "Move comments to chat + delete" and "Delete all comments"
- Confirmation displayed after successful response from server (don't forget to mark as helpful)
- Allows users to insert unicode emojis into chat
- If chat messages contains just a single emoji, increase size
Works with "No Oneboxes In Chat" and "Stack Exchange Dark Mode".
- New responsive user list displaying usernames and total count
- Timestamps on every message in live chat
- Use tiny signatures and avatars only
- Mods with diamonds in signatures
- Message parser (smart links and link expander)
- Minimize room description and room tags (hover to expand)
- Topbar with live inbox notifications and chat domain switcher
- Link to rejoin starred rooms
- Expand starred messages in sidebar on hover and on print
- Starred messages are now scrollable instead of having to click on "show more"
- On mouseover user signatures or mentions, highlight occurences of same user's links and mentions on page
- Room owner changelog in access info page
- Add transcript and room owners links above user list
- Print styles for live chat and transcripts (for printing to PDF with clickable links)
- (Mobile) font size increase
- and more...
- Some magic links are not parsed in Stack Overflow Chat. This script parses and submit expanded magic links via an edit to your latest message.
- List of additional magic links handled by this userscript:
- Do not install if you have ChatImprovements as it already includes this feature
- Adds pagination to user's recent messages page
- Add "Redact + Purge + Delete" button to message history page
- Add history link to message actions popup if not found
- Replaces timestamps in chat transcripts with your local time
- One-click button to create private mod chatroom from user chat profile, and then grants the user write access immediately after
- When entering this room, add view chat profile and superping buttons in message
- Clicking on superping button will generate a superping with instructions on how to join the room (because inbox only links to room transcript, and new users may not know what to do)
- Collapses oneboxes from live chat, chat transcripts, bookmarked conversations
- Click to display onebox
- Has exposed function to work together with Show Deleted Messages in Chat userscript
- Do not install if you have NoOneboxesInChat, as it already includes this feature
- Collapses oneboxes from chat transcripts, bookmarked conversations (live chat untouched)
- Click to display onebox
- Show deleted messages from live chat, chat transcripts, bookmarked conversations
- Works with No Oneboxes in Chat userscript
- Required for userscripts that allows further customization
- See options under each userscript above for info on what is available
- Options sidebar will appear on pages that the respective userscripts are running on