Important Information: This is a Robocorp(open source RPA) project that works only on Macos.
Dependencies - Editor(TextEdit) app, Python, Robocorp, MacOS 🖥 💻
You don't need to install python separately as Robocorp does that for you during install.
A transcript/summary of the "Romeo and Juliet" play will be extracted.
This transcript will then be saved on your desktop as a "TestXXXXX.rtf" using AppleScript & Python.
tasks.robot - Orchestrates the Python & robot script.
It calls a Python user defined library called TextEditScript.
libraries - A folder that contains 2 files; TE_AppleScript.scpt and calls the scpt to perform some automations on TextEdit.
The automations on TextEdit will include writing line by line, saving the file to your desktop and also
reading out the text contained using the "Speech" functionality embedded in your 🖥 💻
Alternatively, you can use the "say command" if you prefer.
conda.yaml and robot.yaml - should be left as it is. => Amend the scriptPath variableTE_AppleScript.scpt => Amend the thisFilePath variable - put in the right path to your desktop
To learn more about AppleScript
Disclaimer: I'm not an expert in AppleScript but if you reach out to me, i will try my best to help you.
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