A truly censorship-resistant, decentralized messaging protocol.
Name | Link |
Paper | https://caw.is/ |
Alpha Test UI | https://teh-eyes.vercel.app/ |
- (Progress) Move CAW Actions to a single-responsability SDK
- (Progress) Implement On-chain smart contract actions
- (Pending ) Set up Orbit-DB as a second source of truth
- (Pending ) Document the SDK and its usage (Examples, Snippets, DocSite, etc)
- Framework agnostic, so it can be used in any project.
- Leverage the SRP to speed up CAW Frontends
- Rely on Wallet Providers so the SDK doesn't have to deal with them.
- Define a structured pattern of saving and sharing data across many frontends.
- Encourage communities to build their own interfaces to unleash their creative potential.
- Provide a way to interact with the CAW smart contracts in a simple way.
Alpha version of the SDK might suffer breaking changes
npm i @cawmmunity/caw-js-sdk
import { Config } from "@cawmmunity/caw-js-sdk";
// Initialize the SDK, jsonRpcUrl is the primary provider and the other two fallbacks.
jsonRpcUrl: AppEnvSettings.jsonRpcUrl,
infuraApiKey: AppEnvSettings.keys.INFURA_API_KEY,
alchemyApiKey: AppEnvSettings.keys.ALCHEMY_API_KEY,
network: 'goerli',
import { CawNameMinterService, CawNamesService, MintableCawService, WalletBalanceService } from '@cawmmunity/caw-js-sdk/dist/services';
const provider = {};// Your provider here
const signer = {};// Your signer here
const userName = 'cawmmunity';
const cawMinterContract = new CawNameMinterService(provider, signer);
const mintableCawContract = new MintableCawService(provider, signer);
const costInCaw = await cawMinterContract.getCostOfName(userName);
// Mint the amount of mCAW needed to mint a username (Only during tesnet)
await minterContract.mintMCAW({
amount: costInCaw,
userAddress: walletAddress,
onEmit: (m, e) => {...}
// Approve the mCAW to be spent (Approve CAW tokens to be spent on mainnet)
await mintableCawContract.approveMCAW({
amount: costInCaw,
onEmit: (m, e) => {...}
// Mint the username
const { tx, gas, receipt } = await cawMinterContract.mintUserName({
onEmit: (e) => {...}
const walletAddress = '0x...';
const fetchAvatar =true; // SVG Avatar
const provider = {};// Your provider here
const signer = {};// Your signer here
const cawNamesContract = new CawNamesService(provider, signer)
const usernames = await cawNamesContract.getTokens(walletAddress, fetchAvatar);
const userName = 'cawmmunity';
const isValid = await cawMinterContract.isValidUsername(userName);
// Many of the smart contract functions have already been written in the SDK.