Devpost-themed shield badges to showcase your project. Powered by the same tech that uses!
The majority of hackathons I've attended over the years use Devpost as their method of submitting projects. Additionally, a good chunk of my GitHub-hosted projects were made from hackathons at the time, and I wanted to show showcase that fact. Sure, I could have just pasted a link to the Devpost submission but that's boooooriiiiiiing. 😛
- Go to the website here.
- Find any Devpost project that you've posted. A table of badges will be generated as shown above.
- The types of badges are stated by the row labels and the styles are stated by the column labels. You can click on the buttons above to hide certain rows and columns.
- Click on the clipboard icon for any of the badges. The resulting markdown will be copied to your clipboard.
- Paste it on any markdown file (like your README), and the badge will instantly load whenever the markdown file is rendered.
This website is NOT responsive-ready and works best with desktop-like screens. I recommend using this website on a desktop/laptop and zooming out if needed.
We got you covered! You can use the following format to create your own badges with ease.
- project-name = the name of the project that will be displayed on the badge
- project-id = the id of the project (from
- badge-type = one of the six badge types that you can choose from as shown below
- Basic (Doesn't work withpopout
- Custom Color (Doesn't work withpopout
- Logo & No Textsmall-logo-left-text-blend
- Logo & Blended Textsmall-logo-left-text-full
- Logo & Full Textbig-logo
- Big Logo
- badge-style = one of the six badge styles that you can choose from as shown below
- Plasticflat
- Flatflat-square
- Flat (Square)for-the-badge
- "For The Badge"popout
- Popout (Doesn't work withbasic
- Popout (Square) (Doesn't work withbasic
- devpost-project-name - the name of the project on Devpost (or really anything that you want)
- badge-image-url - the badge image URL that you created above
- devpost-link - the link to the devpost project (or really anything that you want)
- Vue.js, for the frontend logic
- Node.js, for the backend logic
- gh-badges, the same npm module from the authors that created
- AWS Lambda, for serving badges to your markdown pages
- GitHub Pages, for hosting the website itself
- Route 53, for the custom domain