A simple website using server-side:
- Node.js platform
- Express web framework
- Morgan HTTP request logger
- Body-Parser to automatically parse HTTP request bodies
- NodeMailer for emailing contact form information
- Nodemon for live updates
- nconf to keep authorization information in a config.json file (not committed to repo)
- MailGun (10,000 free emails)
and client-side:
- BootStrap framework for responsiveness & styling
- Initializr from http://www.initializr.com/
- Windows Explorer Context Menu: Add 'Open command window here as administrator' http://www.sevenforums.com/tutorials/47415-open-command-window-here-administrator.html
- Visual Studio Code
- Open a command window in your c:\44563\a03 folder or from VS Code menu, chose View / Integrated Terminal
- Install nodemon globally with npm install -g nodemon
- Install the dependencies listed in package.json with npm install.
- Run nodemon to start the server. (Hit CTRL-C to stop.)
> npm install -g nodemon
> npm install
> nodemon
Open browser http://localhost:8081
- Sign up for an account at https://www.mailgun.com.
- Log in.
- Go to your dashboard athttps://app.mailgun.com/app/dashboard.
- Scroll down to get your "Domain Name".
- On the right, click the eye to view your private API key.
- Create a new config.json from the config.json.example.
- Set your domain name and private api key as found above.
- Add your private config.json to the .gitignore file.
- Register for a free Heroku account at https://www.heroku.com/.
- Download and install Heroku CLK https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/heroku-cli.
- Log in to your Heroku cloud account.
- From your dashboard, click New and add a new project.
- Click the new project and click the Deploy tab.
- Click 'Open app' to run your app and view the Heroku URL in the browser.
- Open a Windows Command Window as Administrator, and run 'heroku login'.
- Open Git Bash in your project folder, add the heroku remote (Command 1 below).
- In Git Bash, push to your heroku remote (Command 2 below).
git remote add heroku https://git.heroku.com/resumesite563.git
git push heroku master
Express in Action: Writing, building, and testing Node.js applications by Evan M, https://www.manning.com/books/express-in-action