Welcome to this lab in the computer vision course TEK5030 at the University of Oslo.
In this lab we will implement pose estimation based on 3D-2D correspondences from scratch!
Start by cloning this repository on your machine.
Then, open the lab project in CLion using the cmake-file in the base directory:
If you are uncertain about how this is done, please take a look at the intro lab.
The lab is carried out by following these steps:
- Get an overview
- Camera calibration
- Implement homography-based pose estimation
- Implement Motion-only Bundle Adjustment
You will find our proposed solution at https://github.com/tek5030/solution-pose-estimation. Please try to solve the lab with help from others instead of just jumping straight to the solution ;)
Please start the lab by going to the first step.
OpenCV must be installed on your system. If you are on a lab computer, you are all set.
If you are on Ubuntu, but not on a lab computer, the following should be sufficient for this lab.
sudo apt update sudo apt install libopencv-dev libopencv-viz-dev
We refer to setup_scripts and the intro lab as a general getting started-guide for the C++ labs on Ubuntu 22.04.