Making it easier to manage attention grabbing Bootstrap Carousels and compelling Bootstrap Jumbotrons as banners on home pages
Designed to quickly and easily manange attention grabbing Bootstrap carousels and compelling Bootstrap Jumbotrons as banners with the same ease as ordinary Mezzanine pages without editing templates.
The following Bootstrap layouts are supported:
- Carousel
- Jumbotron
Install the app
Add "mezzanine_bsbanners" to your INSTALLED_APPS setting like this:
INSTALLED_APPS = ( ... 'mezzanine_bsbanners', )
Add blocks menu item to admin menu (Optional):
ADMIN_MENU_ORDER = ( ("Content", ( "mezzanine_bsbanners.*", ) ), )
- Run 'python syncdb' to create the database models.
mezzanine-bsbanners are similar to django-flatblocks.
Include bsbanners_tags in the template:
{% load ... bsbanners_tags %}
Insert block anywhere in the template:
{% bsbanner "My Banner" %} {% bsbanner {block} %} {% bsbanner {block} "my_template.html" %} {% bsbanner {block} {template_name} %}
To report a security issue, please send an email privately to [email protected]. This gives us a chance to fix the issue and create an official release prior to the issue being made public.
For general questions or comments, please contact [email protected].
Communications are expected to conform to the Django Code of Conduct.