A simple python library for getting caller ID name information.
This library uses OpenCNAM as a backend.
Install from PyPi using pip, a package manager for Python.
$ pip install opencnam
Don't have pip installed? Try installing it, by running this from the command line:
$ curl https://raw.github.com/pypa/pip/master/contrib/get-pip.py | python
Or you can download the source code for OpenCNAM
, and then run:
$ python setup.py install
You may need to run the above commands with sudo
Using python-opencnam
is easy::
from opencnam import Phone
phone = Phone('+16284003994')
print phone.number, phone.cnam
The main object, Phone
, defined in the opencnam
module accepts a phone
number as input, and (behind the scenes) queries the
opencnam API to set the Phone.cnam
To specify your API credentials, just pass them into the Phone
like so:
from opencnam import Phone
phone = Phone('+16284003994', account_sid='ACxxx', auth_token='AUxxx')
v07: 2020-04-27
- Update urllib3 from =1.24.1 to >=1.24.2.
v06: 2018-11-30
- Use OpenCNAM v3.
- Support only `account_sid` and `auth_token` for authentication,
removing the deprecated `api_user` and `api_key`.
- Support Python 2.7 and Python 3.7
v0.5: 2012-11-08
- Add support for OpenCNAM V2 API.
- Deprecate the `api_user` and `api_key` authentication parameters,
in favor of `account_sid` and `auth_token`.
v0.4: 2012-07-10
- Add 3 second timeout to CNAM lookups, so we won't block for too long.
v0.3: 2012-07-09
- Rewrite the backend to use ``requests`` instead of ``slumber``.
- Clean up documentation.
- Add public tests via Travis CI.
v0.2: 2012-03-19
- Support API authentication.
v0.1: 2012-02-26
- Initial release!