Having over 20 years working in IT, I graduated in 2007 and loved my career even before starting it and getting my college degree. I have plenty of knowledge beyond IT such as Sales, Accounting, Management, HR, inventory, problem solving, etc. I'm experienced in technologies like JavaScript, Docker, MySQL, GitLab CI/CD. web deployment, Linux servers, Virtual Machines, Containers, ERP, CRM. I’m highly proficient in managing and mentoring multi disciplinary teams, with effective communication and teamwork. I’m a self taught tech lover who likes new challenges and ways to innovate.
const aboutMe = {
pronouns: "he" | "him",
code: [Javascript, Typescript, HTML, CSS, PHP, PYTHON],
technologies: {
frontEnd: {
js: ["React", "Redux", "Angular"],
css: ["Bootstrap", "Material UI", "Styled Components"]
backEnd: {
js: ["Node", "Express"],
PHP: ["SlimPHP"],
PYTHON: ["Flask"],
SysAdmin: {
Containers: ["Docker", "Swarm", "Docker Compose", "Docker Registry", "Portainer"],
CI/CD: ["Gitlab CI", "GitLab Runners"],
Testing: ["Jest"],
Monitoring: ["Prometheus", "Graphana", "Traefik"],
databases: ["MongoDB", "PostgreSQL", "MySQL", "MSSQL"],
currentOccupation: ["Student at Henry", "Student at Platzi", "Freelancer developer", "IT Consultant"],
currentlyLearning: ["NestJS", "Golang", "NextJS", "Java"],
- Implemented Virtual machines on several clinics to improve remote assistance and updates (using VirtualBox).
- Created a web app to remotely reserve Operating Rooms and to payment list for the surgeons on a clinic (using php and mysql)
- Updated an administrative system named AdaptaPro according to the client (Tornillos Julio, C.A.) to improve sales and inventory management (using mysql and C)
- Online Residential Management App: developed with php & MySQL.
- Web page for Nueva Prensa de Guayana & Nueva Prensa de Oriente: 2 newspapers near my living area, developed in PHP, Apache & MySql.
- Classified ad system: for the same previous newspapers, developed in PHP, Apache, MySql & QuarkXpress.
- Settlement and seniority payment system: developed for Frigorificos Ordaz, S.A using PHP, Apache & MySql.
- Implemented an inhouse developed administrative system for Hierros San Felix on Suse Linux Enterprise Desktop v11 using WINE.
- Developed a system to automate a military (national guard) operation base using PHP, Apache & Sql Server, sadly couldn't implement it.
- Online College services app (Serlu): developed for my college (UNEG) using PHP, Apache & Sql Server.