Telegram bot that alerts large amount transactions on Binance Smart Chain.
π³ The bot is serving in Telegram , Join to watch the π³ on Binance Smart Chain.
π₯ Click below to watch the project introduction.
- π³ Watch Whale transfer with over 1,000,000 USD with plenty tokens (pegged token or native token)
- π’ Identify Binance Exchange to Binance Smart Chain related transactions
- π₯ Tagging sender/receiver to human readable alias, such as turn the address to
orBinance Hot Wallet
- β³ Show transactions in time sequence, so you can intuitively recognize the cross token transactions.
- π Emojis! Use intuitive emojis to identify transactions of β¬οΈ Venus deposit, π auto farming and more.
- Spread the telegrambot to related group
- file an issue to add new address alias (please include the transaction/tx and the project url to easier validate its a formal address)
- Inspired by
- Initial version is made during Hackthon host by Gitcoin