terjin / animate.css
Forked from animate-css/animate.cssA big ol' goody bag filled with CSS animations for WebKit, Firefox and beyond.
🍿 A cross-browser library of CSS animations. As easy to use as an easy thing.
terjin / Foldy960
Forked from davatron5000/Foldy960A responsive version of the 960 grid, the Pvel way!
A responsive version of the 960 grid, the Pvel way!
Small tweak to Touch Scroll demos that David Aurelio created
A combination of Dan Benjamins ee deploy recipe and Josh Peek's slicehost setup recipes.
terjin / slicehost
Forked from cpjolicoeur/slicehostCapistrano recipes for setting up and deploying to Slicehost
terjin / lorem
Forked from jnunemaker/loremFork of John Nunemaker's lorem gem
Hashrocket's Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial 2009 Hack Day Apps for America Celebrity Rabies Awareness Pro-Am Fun Run Race For The Cure
terjin / spot-us
Forked from spot-us/spot-usCommunity Funded Reporting
carlosbrando / remarkable
Forked from remarkable-rb/remarkableSimplifying tests!
[DEAD] Zoomy JavaScript based loosely on Fancy Zoom by Cabel Sasser.
A library for setting up Ruby objects as test data.
Makes tests easy on the fingers and the eyes
Easy file attachment management for ActiveRecord
A comment spam solution that doesn't rely on CAPTCHAs, Javascript, or external web services. In other words, a comment spam solution that doesn't suck!
Ever get tired of opening up, filling out a form and waiting for it to give you your filler text? Yeah, me too. I threw this together in an hour to generate lipsum text from the command …
Ruby on Rails TextMate bundle [Learn it with PeepCode -]