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Sherry Guo edited this page Dec 1, 2020 · 11 revisions


This page gives more detailed documentation on react components and routes (pages).


Route (.js) Related Pages Details
Dashboard CommunityBoard, Challenges, Achievement, SavedResources The first page user sees after login in.
CommunityBoard Cards, VideoDisplay A larger space for displaying all cards and videos. Note: is also being used as a component by on the Dashboard route.
Login Implemented Firebase Authentication for logging in with a Google account and FirebaseUI for the pre-built log in button. Users are redirected to dashboard on successful login.
Resources Resource articles are displayed from database.


Dashboard route related

Component (.js) Related Components Details
Achievement Dashboard, Badge Displays the badges users achieved by completing challenged
SavedResources Dashboard, ResourceEntryCard Displays the resources that users saved in the Resources route
CommunityBoard Dashboard, Cards, VideoDisplay Displays the cards and videos from all users, sorting cards by time and tags
ChallengeEntry Dashboard Displays the completed challenge information
ChallengeGameModal Dashboard, ChallengeModalStep1, ChallengeModalStep2 The modal that appears when clicking “Start Challenge button”. The user must select a tag and can either skip or accept the randomly generated challenge.
ChallengeCurrent Dashboard Displays the active challenge information.
ChallengeModalStep1 ChallengeModal Displays three category buttons where if user presses will callback selectCategoryButton passed as prop from ChallengeModal.
ChallengeModalStep2 ChallengeModal, ChallengeActive getRandomChallenge() grabs a random challenge based on the category selected that has been completed and currently active.
ChallengeActive ChallengeStep2 Challenge entry that appears in the ChallengeModal where the user can skip the challenge and a new one will be grabbed or can be accepted where it will appear on the dashboard.
ChallengeNoEntry Dashboard This appears only when there are no active challenges in the Dashboard.

CommunityBoard route related

Component (.js) Related Components Details
MyCard CardModal, Cards, AddComment, Profile, This component is responsible for the visual representation of a card. Each card has a background image and text users selected and the number of comments
Cards CommunityBoard, MyCard A layout that displays cards from all users. The sorting functionality takes place in this component.
AddComment Cards, Comment, ReportModal, TextLengthModal, EmptyTextModal, LoginModal A modal that appears when a user clicks on a card. Handles the comment and report feature.
VideoDisplay CommunityBoard All videos are hosted on Cloudinary. This is a display container for Cloudinary Video components. Currently, the VideoDisplay component performs a GET request to Cloudinary for videos with the ‘project’ tag, and uses the ‘public_id’ attribute it receives to map onto Video components. This list is dynamic, and videos deleted on Cloudinary will be automatically removed from VideoDisplay.
VideoBadgeModal CommunityBoard A modal that shows when a user with a ‘basic’ badge attempts to upload a video.
LoginModal CommunityBoard A modal that shows when a logged out user attempts to post a video.

Resources route related

Component (.js) Related Components Details
ResourceEntryCard Resources, Dashboard Displays each resource information. If called by dashboard, need to send in a prop, ‘from=”dashboard”’ which removes the save button
AdminUploadResource (🔑 Admin) A GUI to upload a resource within the app. The following resource information is needed: title, link, image url, category. This component can be used for the admin panel in the future.

Card-related components

Component (.js) Related Components Details
CreateCardModal FloatingButton, TextLengthModal A modal where users can create a card. To create a card, users can select an image, enter a text, and select a tag. The text has to be less than 75 characters for design purposes. When a user creates a card, the modal will close.
TextLengthModal CreateCardModal This modal is displayed when the text is longer than 75 characters.
Comment AddComment The visual representation of a comment box in AddComment.js that displays the name of the commenter and the text.
ReportModal AddComment This modal shows up when the report button in AddComment.js is clicked. Prompts users if they want to report this card. If yes, the card owner information, card ID, and the time reported are saved in Firebase.
EmptyTextModal AddComment This modal is triggered when a comment is empty.

Known Bugs

  • Dashboard: there is a small lag between the landing page and dashboard when logging in, and any time user lands on dashboard while contents are loading.
  • please check here for more bugs/areas for improvements that were found during some testing

✨ Features wishlist

Some things we wanted to do, but didn't have time for in this project:

  • Dashboard: user can delete a resource from their saved resources tab
  • CommunityBoard: display videos and cards on in one page instead of splitting into two
  • Resources: be able to sort resources by category (similar to sorting cards)
  • Resources: implement some way to have user know which resources they already saved (e.g. change + button, permanently hide the + button)
  • make a GUI Admin-panel so non-technical users can upload resources, delete flagged posts/videos without having to touch the database
  • refactor the current various modal components for comment and login/warnings to use one, but with different text (e.g. TextLengthModal, VideoBadgeModal, LoginModal) -- probably makes styling easier as well
  • improve general UI so it looks more like Michael's Figma (esp. comment modal, button states)