broadband_map_ruby Public
Forked from codeforamerica/broadband_map_rubyRuby Wrapper for the Broadband Maps API - http://broadbandmap.gov/developer
Ruby BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedMay 11, 2017 -
mymotd Public
Very simple example module.
puppet-gluster Public
Forked from voxpupuli/puppet-glusterCreate and manage Gluster pools, volumes, and mounts
Ruby MIT License UpdatedMar 21, 2017 -
sensu-puppet Public
Forked from sensu/sensu-puppetSensu Puppet module.
Ruby MIT License UpdatedSep 9, 2016 -
puppet-jenkins Public
Forked from voxpupuli/puppet-jenkinsPuppet module for Jenkins
Ruby Other UpdatedAug 1, 2016 -
ruby Public
Forked from slalompdx/rubyRPM spec file to build and install ruby 2.1 on RHEL/CentOS.
Puppet UpdatedJul 6, 2016 -
puppet-generate-puppetfile Public
Forked from rnelson0/puppet-generate-puppetfileGenerate or update a Puppetfile for use with r10k or librarian-puppet. Optionally, create a fixtures file for rspec-puppet.
Ruby UpdatedApr 24, 2016 -
explain-git-with-d3 Public
Forked from onlywei/explain-git-with-d3Use D3 to visualize simple git branching operations.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedMar 7, 2016 -
hierademo Public
Forked from puppetlabs/hierademoInteractive Hiera demo
JavaScript UpdatedMar 1, 2016 -
puppet-splunkforwarder Public
Forked from adamcrews/puppet-splunkforwarderInstall and manage the splunk universal forwarder
Puppet Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJan 21, 2016 -
ansible-vagrant-examples Public
Forked from geerlingguy/ansible-vagrant-examplesAnsible examples using Vagrant to deploy to local VMs.
Ruby UpdatedNov 3, 2015 -
biemond-oradb Public
Forked from biemond/biemond-oradbPuppet Oracle Database Module
HTML Apache License 2.0 UpdatedSep 21, 2015 -
gutterbot Public
Forked from eshamow/gutterbotA customizable life embetterment robot.
CoffeeScript MIT License UpdatedAug 31, 2015 -
ora_rac Public
Forked from rmestrum/ora_racPuppet classses to install an Oracle RAC instance with puppet
Puppet MIT License UpdatedAug 18, 2015 -
awesome Public
Forked from sindresorhus/awesomeA curated list of awesome lists
UpdatedAug 11, 2015 -
puppet-ansible-1 Public
Forked from nvogel/puppet-ansibleDeploy Ansible with puppet
Puppet MIT License UpdatedAug 10, 2015 -
The Go programming language
Go BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedJun 16, 2015 -
puppet-hiera Public
Forked from voxpupuli/puppet-hieraHiera hierarchy module for templating `hiera.yaml`
Puppet UpdatedFeb 10, 2015 -
vagrant-puppet_jenkins_pipeline Public
Forked from trlinkin/vagrant-puppet_jenkins_pipelineSuper simple example of creating a pipeline in jenkins to test Puppet Modules all spun up in Vagrant!
Puppet UpdatedFeb 2, 2015 -
puppetlabs-stdlib Public
Forked from puppetlabs/puppetlabs-stdlibPuppet Labs Standard Library module
Ruby Other UpdatedJan 15, 2015