This file is intended to help you get started with the Jslet framework.
Jslet is an open source JavaScript framework. Features:
- Jslet is model-based, it means you can write less code to complete advanced features, for example:
a. Define a dataset with three fields: var dsTest ='test', [{name: 'name', label: 'Name', type: 'S'}, {name: 'birthday', label: 'Birthday', type: 'D', displayFormat: 'yyyy-MM-dd'}, {name: 'salary', label: 'Salary',type: 'N', scale: 2}]); dsTest.appendRecord(); b. Bind the dataset to a jslet control: DBTable <div data-jslet="type: 'DBTable', dataset: 'test', editable: true"></div> c. That's all, you get an editable table with three columns.
Jslet is a high performance framework, you can load unlimited records to Jslet Controls;
Jslet is a pure JavaScript framework, it can connect any web server, like .NET, J2EE and so on;
Jslet can run in all of major browser, like IE10+, Chrome, Firefox, Sarari, Opera;
Jslet supports UI theme and localization.
For more detail features, please run demo examples or visit;
License: MIT