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Modern URL shortner - succint UX, elegant Material-UI

Something about us is an italian {open source, succint, vaporwave, material-design} URL shortner, written in ReactJS.'s name come from an italian verb which means 'to extend', we choose it to create the domain hack and obviously the wordplay. is against racism, women harassment, pineapple bacon pizza and, of course, light themes in IDEs.

Feel free to use to shorten your url, but remember that we are in beta, so be patient if something doesn't work properly: open an issue on our Github repo, we'll work on it ;)

Some technical details

  • as of now, each submitted URL is hashed in CRC32: with ~3000 links, probability of collision is 1 in 1000; as a starting point it's not bad, later we'll have to change it
  • hosted on firebase: we don't use complex SQL queries, and each doc written on firestore is really small


We recommend you install packages through npx

First install npm dependencies:

npx npm install

Then install firebase-cli (you'll need a google account):

follow these steps

Running on localhost

First build the webapp:

npm run build

Then serve it from firebase-cli:

npm start

Deploying on Firebase

First fill the .env file with your project configuration

Remember to build the webapp:

npm run build

Then upload on firebase (remeber to setup it!)

npm run deploy