An intentionally vulnerable application, to test Snyk's Runtime Monitoring offering.
The docs there explain what the tool achieves. You might want to read them before continuing, to get a feel for what this demo is going to show. Once you've run the demo, you definitely will want to read them to learn how to integrate the agent into your application!
The runtime monitoring tool is open source.
The documentation on how to get started with contributing to the agent is hosted
on that project.
Everything should drive from Gradle, which is bundled in this repository.
You just need a Java JDK 8 or above, installed and working.
The examples use ./gradlew
everywhere. On Windows, use gradlew.bat
in place of ./gradlew
for example, gradlew.bat startWithAgent
$ ./gradlew startWithAgent
You must specify a project ID.
Please run `snyk monitor`, collect the id from the results' settings page,
then re-run `startWithAgent` using that ID.
For example (you *must* change the projectId!):
./gradlew -PprojectId=4567901-2345-6789-0123-45678912345 startWithAgent
Then, run snyk cli:
$ snyk monitor
Monitoring java-woof...
Explore this snapshot at
$ ./gradlew -PprojectId=4567901-2345-6789-0123-45678912345 startWithAgent
| |
| The demo application has started successfully. |
| |
| If you are using the agent, you should be able |
| to see some lines like this above: |
| snyk-agent initialisation: switching logging to: ... |
| |
| |
| You can visit the application on http://localhost:8080/ |
| |
| You can try the supplied exploit with ./gradlew runExploit |
| |
| You can stop the application with ctrl+c. |
| |
This will set up a
containing your projectId
and then start the application using the latest Snyk Java Runtime Agent.
You can visit the application, and
exploit it by uploading a zip file. For example, you can try the
Alternatively, you can upload from the command line, using:
$ ./gradlew runExploit
> Task :runExploit
The file contains these entries:
* good.txt
An exploit attempt has been made.
If your application is protected, then you should shortly see the warning on your Snyk dashboard.